A close encounter of the dog kind...
Happy Birthday to...Me! :)
Great news!!!
He's got skillz...
Recent things...
Gabriel in his Little Tikes Swing
Cloth Diapering Update
Random Gabriel Fun
First Time at the Beach
Gabriel took his first trip to the beach on Friday evening with his girlfriend, Kennedy. The kids were kind enough to let us parents (and Kennedy's sibling, Jackson) to tag along. Thanks, kiddos. It was a great time...topped off by gems such as forgetting plates, napkins, utensils, and tongs to cook the hot dogs with, and Tara getting pooped on by a seagull. Good times! :) It really was fun though, the weather was great, and the kids seemed to enjoy it.
Another Too Funny Post
ohhh i am sooo mad at MIL's sheer forwardness!
Today while babysitting DD for one hour she went through my baby's clothes and cut the buttons off any she deemed 'unsafe' for DD to wear!
MIL did not leave the top buttons in any sweather, shirt, dress etc...
i was speechless and told her she should have asked for mypermission before damaging my daughters clothes but she shrugged saying she was keeping her grand-daughters safety in mind and buttons pose a choking hazzard.
i feel undermined :( i cannot wait for DH to come home so i can vent vent vent!
ladies you may say i will laugh at this in time.... but right now i am mad! Times are hard and i cannot afford to replace these garments!
Part 2:
heres the update ladies! overnight I became more angry when DH tried to convince me that MIL is a concerned grandmother with the best of intentions. Like hell she is! I drove to MIL’s earlier to confront her. I told her self-righteous face that she had no right interfering with DD’s clothes. I take the safety of our daughter seriously and if I thought anything posed a threat to her safety I would remove it without hesitation. She told me I was over-reacting…and asked would I prefer her to turn a blind eye to safety issues? – I said YES when it is in MY home. I said I need the bathroom. My heart was pounding when I went into her bedroom with a scissors (I came prepared) and cut the buttons off 2 coats and a shirt. There was a beautiful cashmere coat hanging on the door but I didn’t have the guts to attack that lol… I waked back to MIL who was in the kitchen making us TEA!!! Wtf!! There were 2 cups on the table and a plate for cookies… I said ‘would you like buttons with that?’ and threw the buttons on the plate/floor and slammed the door behind me. Im just home and shaking like a leaf. I feel liberated! But I can sense that there is trouble ahead after but I’ll deal with that when it comes! Ladies did I do the right thing?
Moby Wrap
So the Baby Bjorn was great when Gabriel was little, but I'm finding that as his thighs become more filled out that it is rubbing and leaving red marks on them. :( Also it tends to cut into my shoulders. I've tried adjusting it but it's just not working for me. So, enter the Moby Wrap. Actually I didn't buy one. I tried making my own. It will definitely take some practice, but I like it. Gabriel seems more comfortable and it feels a lot better on my back. I'm still working on getting him sitting just right on my tummy, and this is definitely not something I can do right after I feed him. Spit up central. lol