Pumpkin Patch

Brian took Friday off for a few reasons last week. 1) We missed out on our opportunity to go to the Pumpkin Patch the weekend before due to Lorelai being under the weather. 2) It was going to rain all weekend so we wouldn't get to go this weekend either. And, 3) It was his birthday weekend so why not make it a 3 dayer! ;)

This post is very picture heavy so I'll keep words to a minimum.  But, we went to the Orr Family Farm and definitely enjoyed ourselves.

First we visited the carousel.  These are hit and miss with Gabriel, but he seemed to enjoy it well enough.  This was Lorelai's first time on one.  She was a bit nervous at first, but warmed up to it.

 We also did our very first pony rides!!!  :)

She was eyeing the horse, but I figured this little one would make it easier for Brian to hold on to her.
 Petting zoo...

The animals adore Gabriel for his gentle touch and slow steady movements.  He really respects them.

Lorelai on the other hand was bleated at more than any other kid there.  lol  She's too fast for their liking I think.  She tried to give a sheep a hug and it bumped into her and knocked her down while trying to move away.

Gabriel had fun watching the two goats battle it out for the bridge.
 There was a train...

 They had two giant jumping pillows...

 Biking Go-Carts...

 And then we took a "hay ride" (there wasn't any hay on the trailer???) out to the pumpkin patch where the kids each got to pick a free baby pumpkin...
Lorelai mostly enjoyed throwing pumpkins.  We did our best to stop her.

 There was a hay bale maze for the little kids (we passed on the corn maze...we'd already been there about 3 hours).  You had to find the numbered story board pages about the square pumpkin and read the story.  Mostly they just ran haphazardly around the maze.  :)

Walking over the bridge, and Lorelai running to the stairs so she can go on the bridge too.

Nothing like soothing aching teething gums by gnawing on a dirty pumpkin.
 We played at the playground for a bit.
 And we came home with a little cowboy.

Video Catch Up

It's been a while since I've posted some videos.  My Flip has been giving me problems, but it seems to be feeling better now.  We shall see.

We have Gabriel sharing his sisters name (his speech has come a long way), Gabriel playing with his ocean animals, and Lorelai having some lunch.

I love hearing him play!  lol

In this one Lorelai is saying "num num" (which means food in Lorelai speak, and Gabriel speak).  And she also shows you sign language for wash your hands, and clean.  :)

Baths and Picnics

They don't really have anything in common.  Other than they can be fun.

We've been trying to get creative with bath time lately.  We've made tub paint, and this time we had some fun with glow sticks.

Do you see Gabriel's face in the green light?

 And since the weather has been nicer lately we've been having picnic lunches most days.  The kids prefer the bench as it helps to keep Paisley at bay.

Apparently Gabriel felt Lorelai was in need of some assistance.

And this is mostly to show that Lady Bug Girl is never far away.

While the cat is away...

the mouse will play.  The cat being Gabriel in this scenario.  Poor little Lorelai is often told what she can and cannot play with on a daily basis.  Pretty much by Gabriel.  I'm only a stickler for things like...stealing knives out of the dishwasher while momma is trying to close it up.  And while I do my best to try to explain sharing to Gabriel...obviously it's not a 2 year old concept.  I understand this, but I still beat my head against a wall trying to help him figure it out.  lol

But, while he is gone...we have lots of fun playing with everything.  But, mostly she wants to just be outside and tell me about what she sees...
 or tell Paisley.  Really she'll tell anyone who will listen.
Sometimes we even have lunch outside.  But, before we have lunch we must always wash our hands...
 A picnic was a great idea, Momma!

Toy Story on Ice

This one is just a bonus picture from Friday.  :)  Everyone hanging out in bed.
 Yesterday we went to see Toy Story on Ice at the Oklahoma State Fair.  The fair was crowded and lack luster when compared to the Texas State Fair.  But, a great time was had at the show.

Gabriel with his spinning Buzz.

Lorelai with her Jessie wand.

Gabriel truly enjoyed the show.  Whenever Buzz or Woody left the stage we became very concerned with where they went and would they come back.  Lorelai did GREAT the first half, but had to be taken out to the lobby area for the second half.  She was feeling a bit antsy.

Mommy, wow! I'm a big kid now!

I always hear that jingle in my head, from a commercial when I was little, whenever Gabriel does new things.  Today was his first day to go to Children's Day Out.  He was very excited to go.  He kept saying, "Lets GO!!!!" and running to the door.  Even in his PJs.  lol  

He didn't handle my departure well.  But, I hope he's having a fabulous time.  He's having lunch and playing right now.  

On the other hand, Lorelai hasn't stopped "talking" since we dropped Gabriel off.  And she has been so excited that she can play with everything that she can't decide what to play with.  lol

Zoo Trip

We hit up the zoo the other day.  It was a nice morning and the kids were in good moods.  And Gabriel starts Children's Day Out tomorrow so I thought we'd do something out of the ordinary for fun.  We ended up getting a membership.  :)  Very excited about that.

Watching gorillas.

Gabriel sharing the ins and outs of snakes and how they're "dary."  (Scary.)

She wasn't phased at all.  Maybe she thought it was Paisley.  They're about the same size.  ;)

Gabriel trying to see the otters that are huddled in the corner.  Lorelai unamused by the hidden otters decides to try to lick her goldfish out of the snack trap.

10 years...

ago I was a Sophomore in college.  I had recently turned 20.  It was a Tuesday.  I had a late class that day.  So like any good college student I was sleeping in.  It was a good sleep.  Peaceful.  Restful.  Oblivious.  You know the kind where you have pleasant dreams...as your parents say to you when they put you to bed, "Sweet dreams."

And then I got woken up.  It didn't happen like it was supposed to happen.  It was supposed to be John Lennon singing The Beatles song "I'm Only Sleeping."  Instead my phone rang.  It rang "early" (relatively speaking of course).  I was annoyed.  I answered, and it was my friend Chris..."Are you alright?"  "Uh, yeah.  Why?"  "Didn't you talk to Brian?"  "No.  I was sleeping.  Why?"  "Um, I don't know how to tell you this.  Turn on your TV."  "What channel?"  "Any channel."  (This can't be good.)

You see...the last time a call like this came in to my room I was a freshman.  It was VERY early in the morning, and our phone rang.  Marissa got up to answer it.  It was a mom...looking for her child.  Bonfire had collapsed.  She didn't have the right phone number.

But, this time...I turned on the TV.  I mean...obviously this was not good news.  So, I turned it on.  I don't think I was on the phone with Chris anymore.  And there it was.  The South Tower of the World Trade Center...and a plane flew right into it.  Oh.  My.  God.  That couldn't have just happened...my brain is racing...what is going on?  What floor does my dad work on?  Oh God!  And then it collapsed.  You see...I was watching a replay of the plane hitting the building.  I didn't realize at first that there had been more time.  I thought I just watched my dad die on TV.

Luckily...I finally got to the point that I realized this is not what happened.  There had been more time.  More plane crashes.  But, still...my dad is in there...was in there?  I began frantically calling people.  I couldn't get my phone to call New Jersey so I could talk to my mom.  The lines were all tied up.  Brian had tried to come over.  You see...he had been working out with Chris and saw the tower get hit on TV.  He had raced to my house...but I was asleep in the room farthest from the door, and didn't hear him pounding.  He was coming over again.  Finally got ahold of my mom...she hadn't heard from him yet. Understandable, but not what I wanted to hear.  I tried calling my brother.  No answer.  I tried again, and again...until finally his roommate answered his phone.  Matt was in class.  And he didn't know what class he had.  I was hoping to try to meet him after his class so he would hear it from me, not somewhere else.  But,  he didn't.  He heard it on the bus...on the way home from class.

Brian came.  He ran into my room.  I remember him knocking over my phone on his way to me.  I was sitting in my desk chair rocking myself.  Attempting to comfort myself.  I felt so alone before he got there.  I grabbed my rosary beads.  He took me to Matt's.  On the way to the car...some jerks were cracking jokes about the attacks.  I could only cry harder that people could be so cold.  Maybe that was their way of coping...I dunno.  When we got to Matt's and got inside we hugged.  Hugged like maybe if we hugged hard enough Dad would be okay.  Then we sat and watched more TV, and waited.  And waited.  Friends called asking for news.  I didn't have any.  And while I appreciated and loved them for their calls...I needed my phone to stay free so my mom could call.  I was desperately praying for my mom to call.  For my dad to get home safely.  Matt asked me if I thought he got out.  I didn't really know what to say.  Because half of me was preparing myself for if he didn't.  I tried to be the optimistic big sis.

I thought about stupid things.  I hope he grabbed his Palm Pilot (yeah, remember those things???).  I had spent a lot of time that previous summer typing endless addresses into that thing for him.  I thought about how my picture is somewhere in that rubble.  That creeps me out still.  I thought about a clock that Matt and I had bought him for his office.  See...stupid things.  I thought about important things...college.  Could we finish?  My mom...would she stay in NJ or move closer to us?  I thought about who would walk me down the isle when I married Brian.  I thought lots of things.  It's funny what flies through your mind.  I remembered stupid arguments and amazing times.  I remembered TCBY evenings with just he and I, and how I would give anything to just sit with my dad one more time to have darn Chocolate Shivers with Peanut Butter Cups mixed in.

And we waited.  We watched those planes crash and buildings collapse over and over and over.   My phone wasn't ringing.  When my mom finally did call it had been a looooong time.  But, in my mind it felt like years.  I both dreaded and hoped for the phone to ring.  I wasn't sure I could pick it up.  But, I did.  He had made it out alive.  I was lucky.  We were lucky.  And I thank God every day for my dad.  I always did before.  But, now it's different.

It didn't end there though.  Coverage on the TV continued and I couldn't stop watching it.  Even after getting to talk with my dad on the phone that evening I didn't feel a whole lot better.  Don't get me wrong.  I was relieved, grateful...but, when you don't get to see that person...hug them...it's all still a bit surreal.  It's not like I could just fly out there to see him...planes weren't going anywhere.  I had school. My dad had to pick up the pieces of his work life somehow.  I didn't get to see my dad until Christmas. That was hard.  I called him everyday for a while.  He said something to me I'll never forget.  He said, "It's harder for you because you didn't know if I was okay.  I knew I was okay the whole time."  Interestingly...he didn't really know what all had happened until he got to be home and saw it on TV.  I won't go into his side here...or this post won't end.  ;)  But, my dad amazes me.  He is an amazing person.  I am very lucky, privileged, to call him my Dad.

Life goes on.  It's weird.  After that you feel frozen in time for a long time.  The world keeps spinning, but you're stuck.  It has taken time to get past that.  But, every year...on this day.  I feel stuck.  I feel like I need to see my dad.  I feel like I just need to give him a hug.  Not to say anything really.  Just to hug him.  To feel that he's there.  To show him I love him.

It's amazing what has transpired in the last 10 years.  I graduated from college.  We got darling Grace.  I became a teacher.  I got married to a wonderful man.  We bought a house.  We received our two gifts from God...Gabriel and Lorelai, and I became a SAHM. We lost sweet Grace.  We moved to Oklahoma.  And Paisley joined our family.  And I thank God that all of these things my dad gets to be a part of.

Parents can be a gift.  Mine are.  And my dad sure is a great one:

Complete with bow.  ;)
I love you, Dad!


In celebration of Lorelai's and Momma's birthdays we decided to head out to the Tulsa Aquarium on Saturday.  Really this visit was for Gabriel as they have a very large shark exhibit, but a good time was had by all (and even Lorelai seems to be a shark lover as she pointed and exclaimed at them as they swam over our heads).

It's a nice aquarium, very interactive, and definitely worth a visit again.  :)

Gabriel is ready to inform us about all of the sharks we're going to see.

Okay.  I've eaten.  Lets go see some fish.

Feeding the turtles.

Eagerly waiting to feed the sting rays. 

 And what Gabriel was waiting so "patiently" for...other than asking if we were going to see the sharks now about a gazillion times...
AAAHHHH!!!  A shark!!!!  (Sorry you can't see it, but I promise it's there.)  They had a big picture window tank up front and then a tunnel to walk through as well.

Lorelai, although briefly amused by the sharks, felt that she could help out more by pushing the stroller.

If only there was a way to make an attraction that involved sharks, Toy Story, and garbage trucks.  This kid would be in heaven.

 We went through the entire shark exhibit at least 3-4 times.  It would have been more but Lorelai was getting tired.

Hey look...I was there too!  ;)

And no trip is complete without adopting some sharks from the gift shop.  Lorelai got a sea turtle and a sea horse.

Lorelai's 1st Birthday

I still have to get stats.  But, she continues to amaze me.  We're getting really close to having a few words!    She kisses, gives hi fives...both old news I guess.  I don't even know what her "favorite" food is because she eats EVERYTHING.  But, if I had to choose one it would be blackberries and raspberries.  Lady Bug Girl is a must have in the immediate vicinity at pretty much all times.  She cares not one iota for the TV.  And is obsessed with anything her brother is doing at all times.  :)
Pardon the large quantity of pictures, but can you blame me...I mean look at her!

We had a good time pretending we were sleeping and then "waking up" to calls of Happy Birthday!!!!  :)  And of course we had to dance to The Beatles "Birthday" for a loooong time.

We hit up B&N for some train table time, picked up some new books, and got our Kids Club Birthday Cookie.  :)

She opened up presents from Grandma and Grandpa Wood.  Well, she did give it the ol' college try at least.

At least older brother was around to show her the ropes.

She got birthday kisses from her big brother, and he even let her play with his sharks/whales!!!!  What a birthday present.  Love him!

Daddy brought home balloons!

They don't scare her anymore.

She opened more presents.  This one is from Granddad.

And ones from us.  Her tent from Gabriel is fun.  We'll have to get pictures of that.

We went out for a BBQ birthday dinner, and then came home for cupcakes! And she didn't want anything to do with her birthday hat I made for her.

She really wanted at that cupcake.

But, she didn't want to seem like she was a piggy so she started off small.

Just a little taste.

Oh that's so good!

Once distracted by the cupcake Momma put the hat back on.  ;)

She can no longer contain herself. 
It's sooo good.

Ugh, this hat!  It's so distracting.  I'm trying to eat here.

How did this get on my hands?

That's what I'm talking about!

Best birthday ever!

Sharks and Tutus

Gabriel's latest addition to his interests is sharks.  So we now have Garbage Trucks/trucks, Toy Story, and sharks.  I had to hit Toys 'R Us up for something that was at the back of the store.  And of course you can't drag two kids through an entire toy store without getting them something.  Lorelai got a couple of things that were on sale, and Gabriel picked out some inexpensive shark toys.  :)
Don't you just love his natural smile.  I mean he has a pretty good one for the camera, but you can see he's so happy here.

 Lorelai birthday prep continues.  I'm still trying to convince her she likes the tutu I made her.  Not having much luck.
She's learning the burry my head in momma's legs and cry technique from Gabriel.

My how they grow...

Lorelai is walking everywhere.  Adios, crawling!  Up the driveway, down the driveway, across the house, banging cymbals, waving, blowing whistles...she's like her own little parade.  Looks like we'll be going shoe shopping soon.  Oh how I've waited for the day to take my daughter shoe shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A dream for this mommy.  Yes, we'll take these, and these, oh...and these....  ;)  Grandma Wood and Grandma Cherlyn...want to join us?  It's like a right of passage or something isn't it?

Of course, Gabriel, on the other hand, is now being given yard work to do.  Poor kid.  He's only two.  How does he retaliate? By ignoring our sad little tree and making a giant mud puddle.  Ah, the joys of a two year old boy.  :)

Last Week and Cousins!

It's so hot.  Hotter than it is in Houston.  What are the odds?  So, while trying to stay in the air conditioning we decided to bring out the paint.  I think I need a new strategy for this now that Lorelai is moving everywhere.  It got on the carpet, on the furniture, everywhere.  And she is too little to really understand "rules."  
 Gabriel understands the rules until his hands get messy and he needs them cleaned off immediately.  To only get them dirty immediately following the clean up.  lol  He saw his sister eating the finger paint so he decided to give it a taste.
 But, it wasn't that good so he decided to smear it all over her face.
 We're also having a BIG problem with him waking up too early in the morning.  He fell asleep on the couch at 9:30 a.m.  I moved him to his room.  He slept there until 11:30 when he heard me getting lunch ready.  Then he came out and fell asleep on the couch again until 12:30.  We are in the process of fixing this sleeping problem.  It's not only effecting me day in and day out...but obviously it's effecting him as well and it's gone on much too long.
 In fun news.  Matt, Angie, and kids came up for a visit.  I can't believe how much Caroline has grown!  The last I saw her was at 2 weeks old and now she is 5 months!!!  She has a sweet smile and a great laugh.

Barrett is so fun to talk with.  He has so much to tell you.  Gabriel enjoyed showing him the ins and outs of the iPad.  Gabriel wasn't a big fan of Uncle Matt's commandeering of the iPad to check Eagle news though.  lol

Keeping the little ones busy is always a workout:


It was a fun visit.  We look forward to getting together again sometime soon!  :)  

11 Month Outtakes

I always wonder how bloggers end up with those perfect images for their crafts that involve their children as models.  And now I understand that it's from a TON of pictures being taken to get a couple of good ones.  Thank goodness for digital cameras.

Here are some outtakes from the Lorelai 11 Month photo shoot. :)

Wait until I'm finished my Goldfish, Mom!

I think this picture would be much better with a dump truck in it?  Don't you?  (Actually, Mom, it's because Gabriel is napping and he won't be able to get mad at me for playing with it.)

Oh, do you need your watch back?

I'm too tired to take pictures right now.

Besides, I'm trying to tend to my dental hygiene.

How about this look?  I'm channeling the Fonz.

Lorelai - 11 Months Old

Oh my stars...she's almost a year old!!!  And doesn't she just look like someone you would want to hang out with?  Seriously...look what a great time she's having with a pen and a toothbrush.  Anyone who can have that much fun with those objects must be a hoot!

She never ceases to amaze me.  Despite having half of the attention her brother had at her age she just keeps trucking along.  She's up to 10-12 steps on her own now.  She can only do it when REALLY focused, but WOW!  She's completely off of formula, and while she likes milk it's not easy to get her to focus on drinking it.  She does not sit still.  (It took me 20 minutes to get the picture above because she kept crawling down the couch to flop around on the pillows at the other end.)  She got her 3rd tooth!  Yes, 3rd...just two days ago and it looks like another top one could come soon.  Fingers crossed.

She still isn't waving with purpose or clapping.  But, she has the skills.  She just has to hone them...if I can ever get her to focus on something for more than 2 seconds.  And Lorelai is great at imitating sound.  Coughing is a new favorite.  But, if you shriek, she does.  If you laugh, she does.  So fun!  Still a good da-da.  A good dah-dah for doggy, momma still only shows up when she's upset about something.  Isn't that always the way?  

One of my favorites though is if you tell her to bounce.  She just starts popping up and down on her little bottom or knees.  So cute!!!

Catching Up

Brian is finally back home after a 2 week LONG business trip.  By the grace of God I made it through.  We had a good time for the most part.  But, the children did seem a bit testier.  Turns out Lorelai had a tooth coming in.  It popped through yesterday morning finally.  And I think Gabriel is working on some 2 year molars.  Anyway...we survived.  Did I mention it was a really LONG trip though?  It was.  Long.  Really long.  ;)

So here are a few more pictures of what we were up to.  Ending with a few fun ones from when Daddy came home.  Finally.  Mommy got to go see Harry Potter.  Thrilling, heart wrenching, and sadly...the end.  But, I look forward to sharing it with both of my kiddos when they get older.  If you haven't read the books (or watched the movies, but one should ALWAYS read the books I say) you are missing out on one of the best things to happen in our lifetimes.  Just saying.  Okay...back to the family stuff.

Kelly came to visit.  We had a good time hanging out, running around town with the kids, and being crafty.  I taught Kelly how to "officially" sew.  She is borrowing my old machine to work on a project at home.  I'll have to post the pillow she made for Gabriel on The Cozy Pumpkin.

While Kelly was here we had an unfortunate incident.  We lost Lady Bug Girl.  a.k.a Lorelai's safety/favorite dolly.   Gabriel has Corduroy.  Lorelai has LBG.  Both from Grandma Wood...does she know how to pick a winner or what?!   I think she got lost in a parking lot.  Well, this is the LBG temporary replacement.  It seems to be working and a new LBG has been ordered.

Yay!  Daddy is home.  He must be bursting with energy after sitting in a conference for 2 weeks...so I let him take over.  ;)  I wish!  But, the kids were thrilled to see him.  Gabriel ran to him with arms wide open yelling "DA-DA!!!"  Lorelai had a giant smile on her little face.  Lorelai was pushing this around the island for a while, but got tired so Daddy put her on for a ride.  Wow did she go fast!  And huge squeals of excitement were heard throughout the house.  lol

Never to be left out.  Gabriel chased after them with the chomping alligators.  That would get me motivated as I don't run unless someone/something is chasing me.  :)

Swim Time

For only the second time this spring/summer I blew up the swimming pool.  It's quite a task.  I didn't even bother with the little slide this time.  Lorelai was a little timid at first (surprising since she's a mad woman in the tub) so she spent some time in the swing.  Gabriel practiced his jumping skills.

He's becoming more and more of a talker.  His vocabulary is still very limited compared to some of his peers and his pronunciation needs a good bit of work.  But, I can understand a decent amount of what he says.  This morning he said, "Oh, Momma!  Mil ran away!" (Milk ran away...because it had rolled along the breakfast table.)  lol

Last night I woke up at midnight for no real reason.  But, when I did I noticed the bedroom door was open.  Weird.  I thought I had closed it, but maybe it didn't shut all of the way and Paisley left.  As I got up to go retrieve her I noticed a dark bump on the floor.  Upon closer examination I found it was Gabriel.  He had woken up and came into the room.  Noticed I was asleep I guess and decided to curl up in a little ball and fall asleep on the floor.  lol  Poor little guy.  He's having a hard time sleeping with his daddy out of town.  He's cried 2 nights putting him to bed.  He's woken up at 11:30/midnight twice now, and he's woken up at 5:30 twice now.  Brian come home!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway...during the day we're having a good time: