America's First Overachiever - Benjamin Franklin
Cherlyn, Greg, Brooke, Brandon, Brian, and myself all went to The Houston Museum of Science this past weekend to see the travelling Benjamin Franklin exhibit. It was a little crowded and warm, but I really enjoyed it. Benajamin Franklin is an extremely interesting individual, and they had quite the gamut of artifacts from his life brought to us by the finest museums in Philadelphia. (I miss Philadelphia!!!) If the exhibit comes your way I highly suggest you attend. They wouldn't allow photography of any kind unfortunately, so you'll just have to go and see for yourself.
This is a glass armonica. (One of Ben's many inventions.) They had a video of a man playing it and it was beyond fascinating (they had a real one there for you to see as well of course). I must have watched that video for a solid 10 minutes at the displeasure of those around me. Being a "musician" myself I love this kind of stuff and have wanted to see a glass armonica for some time! It is a series of "bowls" on a metal rod that you turn with either a wheel, handle, or foot pump. The player then dips their fingers in water and holds them against the bowls (like the rim trick on a crystal glass). The varying thicknesses in the glass create the different pitches. It makes a beautiful, almost heavenly, sound. Beethovan and Mozart composed classical pieces for this very instrument.
Enjoy the video below about the glass can hear and see it being played! :)