Mother-Daughter Williamsburg Extravaganza
I went to New Jersey for Spring Break and my mom and I took our first mother-daughter trip down to Williamsburg, Virginia. My mom is such a fun lady and a blast to take a trip with. We both love the colonial period, so the whole trip was a hit. We had a lot of laughs, great food, wonderful shopping, and fabulous weather. (That is until we got back to New Jersey when I almost got snowed in.) We got to go to two concerts, take a lanthorn tour, be on the Governor's Council in a witch trial, and hear ghostly tales by candlelight.
This was our room in our colonial home. Yes, we actually stayed in one of the houses. I slept in the far bed. My brother and I came up with this scenario when we were kids that we needed to sleep in the bed in which we would be the least likely to be shot first should murders break into our hotel rooms while we were sleeping. This tradition still holds until this parents are good sports about it.
This is the Chiswell-Bucktrout House (the name of the colonial home we stayed in). It was owned by a cabinet maker originally (that is a person who makes furniture, some musical instruments, and COFFINS!) The second owner committed suicide. Lucky us! On that note, our first night there we had this bad plumbing problem which resulted in loud banging throughout the house most of the night. Or at least we think it was the plumbing.... The next day it was fixed. We don't know if someone reported it, or was a ghostly colonist not so happy that we get to have indoor plumbing?
This type of roof is called a hip-roof. Did I get that right, Mom? It is the only one like it in Williamsburg. Enjoy the rest of the pictures. My mom and I had a great time together...maybe the next trip my mom can take me on a tour of Seville, Spain. How about it, Mom?