This is the Hotel des Invalides. It was started by Louis XIV to house injured soldiers. It later became the home of Napoleon Bonaparte's tomb. It is also home to quite a detailed military museum.This is Napoleon's tomb. He is encased in six tombs here. (Not separate tombs...they're all inside the red porphyry. ) His tomb is inside a cylindrical area with two viewing "platforms" high and one low. It was designed so that if you are on the top level you are looking down causing you to bow in reverence to him, and if you are on the lower level it forces you to look up in admiration of him.
Musee D'Orsay is home to many impressionist paintings. My favorite artist is Van Gogh and there was a plethora of his paintings there. This is one of them:
Musee D'Orsay is housed in an old train station. I enjoyed it much more than the Louvre. The Louvre was too crowded and too big to truly enjoy. I also got some great street art out in front of the was much cheaper here than in Montmartre.