We took everyone to NASA Houston (a.k.a. Space Center Houston). WE took a stage 9 tour that allowed us to see all of the behind the scenes stuff. A lot of it was over my head, but it was still impressive and fun to see.The most complete remaining Apollo shuttle. Donated to the Space Center by the Smithsonian in the 70's. It was too big to get a full shot of.

We were able to visit the mission control for the space station and the control room for shuttles in orbit. We were able to talk with the head ground control guy for the shuttle missions. We also visited the mission control room used for the Apollo missions. This is Brian sitting in the flight director chair formerly occupied by the famed Gene Kranz. (If you have seen Apollo 13 Gene is played by Ed know the "Failure is not an option." guy?)

This is a very very very very LARGE vacuum chamber. It is some sort of historical monument. Brian understood this part much better than myself. Anyway...Brian and Brad in front of the vacuum chamber.