Pink or Blue...

It's been interesting to see the votes coming in on the boy/girl front.  There have been quite a few votes for boy in the last few days.  Brian is upset because there isn't any way to identify who voted for what.  I must say I am curious at times.  Not like it makes a difference...I just like to know what people think.  

It bothers me that I have no clue as to what it might be.  I don't know why it bothers me.  Maybe it's because every other day I am asked the following questions:

1)  Do you know what "it" is yet?  (I hate when people refer to my baby as an "it.")
2) What do you think "it" is?
3)  Do you have a preference?

I guess it makes me feel like I'm less of a good mom because I have no gut feeling.  If you want my off of the cuff guess I say it's a girl.  Brian thinks it's a girl.  He's always thought we would have 2 I guess that's why I am saying girl.  Matt told me that Angie didn't have that gut feeling Barrett was a boy until a few days or so before the ultrasound.  I'm hoping that's the case here.  But, I guess it doesn't matter if I have the feeling, because it will be so exciting no matter what the baby's gender is.  (And no...I don't have a preference.)

So, for now you just have to fill in the blank for yourselves:  Baby Lipscomb is a (boy/girl)!  We'll know the answer soon, and until then...your guess is as good as mine.  After all, you have a 50% chance of being right!  ;)

Oh, and if you want to identify what gender you voted for...I think that would make Brian very happy!  :)