16 weeks and counting...

Well, today I hit the 16 week mark. My fourth month is rapidly coming to a close, and before you know it I will be at 20 weeks...the half way mark. Less than two weeks until our "anatomy" appt. And equally as exciting...my mom will be here!!!!!! :) I LOVE seeing my mom. Anywho, my little baby "bump" (for lack of better terminology) is growing at a steady pace. I now have people touching my belly. That's a strange feeling to have people just touch you on your belly, but I don't mind it as much as I thought I would. Well, mostly this is just random, but I wanted to post the picture we took today so you could see the "progress." :) Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer that Baby Lipscomb isn't feeling modest on Oct. 17th. ;) See ya soon, Mom!