5 Months
Well, the fifth month of pregnancy is rapidly coming to a close. I have hit the 22 week mark today, so only one more week and I'm in my 6th month. We are blessed to be having such an easy pregnancy. Only 4ish more month until we meet our little boy!!!
My fabulous mother-in-law has also been hard at work on the fabric items for Gabriel's room. :) She finished the crib skirt this week. :) Isn't it great?! And how beautiful it looks on the crib my mom and dad bought for Gabe. :) I think they look great together.
Here is the crib and our glider. Hoping our gliding ottoman turns up sometime. :) It was on back order. Soooooo comfy though!!! I like to sit in there and rock and pretend he is asleep in the crib.
Here is the hide-away desk with a bunch of junk on it that needs to be put away, or Chicco stroller stored in the corner for now, and our dresser/changing table with changing pad on it. (Those are my paintings lying on top as they are still a work in progress and need to be framed.) The TV was going to be in there, but due to a lack of space and it's inability to get an array of channels it will not be staying in that room. Oh well...I have the laptop in there. :) Don't you just love his beautiful furniture? And my mother-in-law tells me that the curtains are on their way to being finished soon, so stand by for more baby fun!!!