What Little Boys are Made of...

Frogs and snails, and puppy-dogs' tails...
That's what little boys are made of!

Here is my latest piece. I'm making it for Gabriel's room. You can see I have them sitting in the crib (well, some of them), and the bottom portion isn't quite finished. I ran out of red paper. I did all of the drawings, and of course they are painted with watercolor. The outlines of the animals are done with oil crayons, and the lettering was done with my die-cut machine. It's been a fun project...I can't wait to get it finished and framed!!! :) It will look so cute in Gabe's room!

Here are the first three in the crib. (They're more vibrant in person, but are too large to scan, and I forgot to adjust them on my iPhoto before posting them. Sorry!) These will be hung above the crib with the last picture underneath them. I still haven't decided if I'm going to put them all in one giant frame with a mat that has windows in it, or 4 seperate frames. Whichever is cheaper I guess. Oh, and the fabric laying on the crib matress is going to be used in the quilt for the bed and whatever else we can use it for. :) It has snails and peapods on it. My mother-in-law is making the fabric items. :)
This is a really long piece (below). As you can see it is not close to finished yet. It will say, "That's what little BOYS are made of!!!" The "o" in BOYS is going to be the darling baby face I made on my die-cut machine. I'll post more when they're complete and framed...and maybe even on the wall. Yea!!!! Sorry, Mom and Dad, I'm not posting any pictures of the furniture until I at least have a sheet on the mattress. ;) We do LOVE it though. Sometimes I sit on the glider and just think about my beautiful baby in his happy little room. :)