December Dr. Appt. (aka Gabriel Update)
I had my December dr. appt. Unfortunately my dr. was out of town, and the other dr. was delivering a baby so I opted to have the nurse practitioner rather than wait for Dr. Roberson to return from the delivery.
Cherlyn was able to join me at the appt. which was nice. I'm glad she knows where the hospital is now just in case I need her to take me at some point.
I did the glucose screening/anemia screening. My test results won't be in for 2-3 days but they will only call if there is something wrong. Fingers crossed that there isn't anything wrong. I had to drink that nasty flat orange soda drink with 3 times the sugar in it. wasn't too bad until I got down to the last 1/3. I'm not saying I would want to have one for fun, but it wasn't as bad as people made it sound.
We got to hear Gabe's heartbeat again. Nice and strong in the 150's. As I've said before, he's a consistent little boy. Everything else looked good. The NP (Nurse Practitioner) made a comment about the fact that I had gained 5 pounds in the last month and that was a little high. Then I mentioned that I was supposed to gain 4 pounds and the fact that I was wearing heavier clothes this time than last and that we had Thanksgiving that I didn't think 5 was all that bad! She didn't really know what to say to that. It made me miss Dr. Wilson...she would have said my weight looked great. Anyway...I've decided that the NP is a social moron. According to my weekly, yes, weekly, weight chart I am right on target at 20 lbs. So, I say to the NP - In your face!!! Booyah!!! (Does anyone say "booyah" anymore?)
I also get irritated when they weigh me on the balance scale instead of the digital one. Because they always weigh me in higher on the balance one. They don't wait for the stupid little balance to stop moving. AAAAHHHHHH!!!! Okay, enough obsessing now.
Anywho...things are great. Gabriel is great. :) And only 15ish more weeks to go before we meet the little guy.