34 weeks - Dr. Appt.
Yesterday I went in to see Dr. Wilson again. Currently we are on the every 2 weeks schedule and after the next one it is every week! Originally my appt. was on Thursday, but we moved it up due to a scary episode I had on Friday. To make a long story short I was having some contractions and intense back pain for about 2 hours. It was awful! After talking with Dr. Wilson she said she thinks it was a muscle spasm and that the intensity of it made me tense up more and become anxious which also led to the contractions. She said to call in day or night if it happened again, but since it seems to have been an isolated incident she wasn't overly concerned...other than that I was uncomfortable and in pain. If it happens again I will most likely go to Labor and Delivery for fetal monitoring.
So, anywho...Gabriel's heartbeat was strong (in the 150's) and my tummy is measuring about where it should be. This leads me to believe he's a tad on the larger side but not anything to be overly concerned about. Because of my GD she has me getting an ultrasound at my 36 week appt. so we can get a better guesstimate on how big he is. She also mentioned that should would like to avoid him coming before 39 weeks due to the lungs being possibly underdeveloped because of the GD (unless he decides on his own to show up early), but that she didn't think inducing or having a c-section at 39 weeks was a bad idea. She said she wants the least amount of stress on me and that we could go to 40 or do everything at 39.
As much as I would like to meet my little boy early and have all of this GD stuff done and overwith, I hesitate to do an induction at 39 unless I have already started dilating on my own...I want to avoid a c-section. Although she seems to think I have a higher chance of needing a c-section. And the ultrasound in 2 weeks will really help us determine this whole delivery thing better. She said I will definitely not go past the 40 weeks though. The GD makes that a bad plan. So...March 22 or sooner. If you voted for after the due date you may want to consider changing your vote. lol More specific delivery info to come after the 36 week appt. (They will start checking me for dilation also at that time.) And maybe the tech. will be nice enough to print out some ultrasound pictures if we get any good views.