Gabriel Update!!! (With ultrasound pictures) :)

We had our first weekly appt. today.  (And by we I mean Gabriel and me.)  :)  The morning started off very early with an ultrasound.  Currently he is weighing in at 6 lb. 7 oz. which puts him in the 65% for 36w2d gestation.  So, he's measuring 36w4d (as always he's a consistent little fellow...still 2 days ahead of schedule on size.)  Brain, heart, and stomach all look good.  They measured my amniotic fluid level to see how that was.  It was a 9.0 on a scale of about 7.0-24.0 (or something like that).  So, although I am still within the normal range I am at the very low end.  So, I go back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks.  If I am a 7.0 or lower then we deliver little Gabriel immeadiately!  He is doing fine cause for concern yet.

During the ultrasound he was a squirmy little guy.  The technician mentioned that she had never seen such an active baby at 36 weeks before.  :)  He is also very shy of showing his face currently.  I guess he wants us to be surprised by his good looks.  She did manage to snap a couple of decent pictures.  Although they were slightly blurred as he was moving his head away or covering it with his hands and arms.

At the dr.'s office they increased my diabetes meds, so that I am now taking one dose in the morning and one in the afternoon.  :(  No fun.  

She also checked my progress for the first time and I am 2 cm. dilated and 50% effaced.  :)  Woohoo!!!!  That's good news.  She said this little guy definitely wasn't waiting until his due date and that we could probably expect him to show up in the next 2-3 weeks even if she doesn't have to intervene.  I guess I better start packing my bags, huh?  Oh, and sit on my birthing ball (it's just an exercise ball helps to open the pelvis more.)!  I'm soooo excited!!!!!!!
Profile shot of his cute little face above.
Straight on view of his little face below.  I think his mouth is partly open and the big dark areas are his eyes.  (No he is not an alien.)  He kept rushing to turn away or cover his face up though.
There is no mistaking it.  He is 100% boy!!!  So, people can stop asking me if I'm nervous about them being wrong now.  He was not shy at all about showing off in that department.

Little baby feet.  :)
What a cutie, huh?  Yeah, he is!