Oddly enough I get the judgmental question of "Why would you stay at home?" all too often right now.  Then come the myriad of reasons why I shouldn't stay at'll be bored, the kids will drive you nuts, you were Teacher of the Year...isn't that a waste of talent, women deserve more than that.  It goes on and on.  

First off...isn't part of the feminist movement that women have free choice?  I choose to stay at home to ensure that my child will have what they need when they need it.  Does that mean it's the right choice for everyone?  No.  I think a woman should do what they think is best for themselves and their family.  And obviously this is only if the family can afford to lose that income.  I can't tell you how many times people have told me that we won't survive on one income.  How do they know?  And...why do they feel the need to tell me what I can and cannot afford to do?  Frankly I think they deserve a swift smack on top of the head.  

I saw this interview a few  years ago and have never forgotten it.  This woman is more detrimental to the feminist cause than any Stay at Home Mom ever was!  

(On a side note...Brian and I are both products of Stay at Home Moms...and I can't speak for him, but I wouldn't trade a single day of time I spent with my mom for anything in the world.  It was the best thing she ever did for me personally.  Thanks, Mom!)