We are proud to introduce you to, Gabriel William Lipscomb

Gabriel William Lipscomb
Born: March 16, 2009 at 2:16 p.m.
Weight: 7 lbs. 10.5 oz.
Length: 20 1/4 inches

He's finally here! And I must say, after all of that waiting (both prepregnancy and pregnancy) has been worth every second. I must say he has to be the most precious little being I've ever set eyes upon. And for the last 4 days all I can think is how lucky I am. Brian is an amazing daddy. I love seeing him with his son!

So, I guess you all want the "birth story" as they call it. :) Well, we were induced on Monday. I called in at 6:00 a.m. and they had room. So, we packed up and set off for the hospital. We got to the hospital at about 7:30, I got a room and got dressed in my hospital garb and get set up to the monitors. The little guy's heartbeat was strong and surprisingly I was having regular contractions on my own (most of which I wasn't feeling at all which was misguiding because I thought I was having Braxton Hicks contractions, but was really having real ones!). Dr. Wilson came in and told me I was 4 cm. dilated (a whole cm. more than last week) and still 70% effaced. She told me that even if I wasn't being induced the little guy would have been here on his own in the next couple of days with the contractions I was already having and my rapid rate of dilation. She then broke my water to get things started.

At about 9ish-9:30 they started my Pitocin (the inducing drug). I still felt really good and was talking with Brian and my labor nurse, Rhonda Huxtable. (Yeah, that's right...my nurse's last name was Huxtable!!!!!!) After a while my nurse left the room to do some paper work and reminded me I could have my epidural at anytime. Well, I wasn't feeling them that much so I passed at that time. Almost immediately after she left the room my contractions got really big and long. OUCH!!! She was gone for what seemed like forever, and when she came back I got the epidural. Epidurals are PAINLESS!!!! It took maybe 1-2 minutes to get one and it was all done. Getting an IV is much worse.

Anyway, she checked me again at some point after the epidural and I was at a 5 cm. and like 80% effaced. So, 45 min. after she checked me she went to lunch for a half an hour. Brian messed around on the laptop trying to get the internet to work (later he could only get it to work long enough to get 1 picture on Facebook...which is why we didn't post all of this sooner). I took a little nap. When my labor nurse returned the "babysitter" nurse told her my contractions had gotten more intense so she had turned up my epidural a little bit. My nurse decided to check me again, and I was a full blown 10 cm. dilated and 100% effaced! (Yeah, all in an hour and 15 minutes.) She asked if we were ready to have a baby, and we were both said, "Now?"

She told me I was ready to start pushing so she got me all prepped for that. About an hour later we were the proud parents of Gabriel William Lipscomb. Apparently I am a champion pusher and I got him out exceptionally fast for a first time mom. :) Woohoo! (Not an easy task on an epidural, let me tell you.) And yeah, we did all of the gross stuff we said we wouldn't do, because it wasn't gross. It was beautiful. I got to feel his head as it was crowning. And Brian got to watch him being born. Amazing!!!!!!

Gabriel passed his APGAR with a perfect score. Just further proof that my little boy is perfect!!!

We're in heaven here at the Lipscomb house. For more pictures of my beautiful baby boy go here: