There's a fungus among us...
Gabriel had his 1 month dr. visit. Overall he's really doing great. He is now 9 1/2 lbs. which puts him in the 50%, and he is 21 in. long putting him in the 25%. I honestly don't know how you go from in the 70%s to this but the dr. was pleased. His head measured in between the 25% and the 50% so he is still really well proportioned.
Over the long Easter weekend Gabriel developed the sniffles and also started having some bowel movement issues...which brought his diaper rash back in full force. OUCH!!! Poor little wonder he hates having his diaper changed and being naked. Turns out he has a digestive tract infection which is causing a yeast rash on his little toushy. We have some medicine now so that should clear up the potty issues and the rash issue! Woohoo!!!! Finally! :)
He is also on target with all of his little development milestones and is actually a little ahead as he has laughed in his sleep and yesterday held his head up while on his tummy for the first time. His actual one month-iversary is on Thursday so we will take his picture then. :)