Dear "Touchy-Feely" People of the World,

Stop touching my kid! Yes, he's adorable, cute, precious, lovely, beautiful, and many other wonderful adjectives. But, you don't need to touch him. Imagine how cute he'll be the next time you see him all sniffly, with a runny nose, a cough, and crying up and down the grocery store isles because you just HAD to touch my cute little baby. Yeah, he won't be so adorable to you then will he?'ll be shooting me nasty glances thinking, "Why can't she keep that kid quiet? I'm trying to concentrate on my grocery list."

Yeah,'s your fault in the first place! You just had to touch his hands which then went directly into his mouth. News flash...I don't know where your hands have been! Did you wash your hands after you went to the bathroom? Did you cough, or sneeze, or pick your nose? Maybe you had a wedgie you just had to "fix." Ugh...disgusting. Then you TOUCHED MY KID! Don't be surprised if I take to slapping your hand away. It's nothing against you. I'm sure you mean well, are irresistibly drawn to my adorable little boy of course, and just want to get a little feel of that soft baby skin. But, I don't know you, and we don't want to get to know your germs.

If you feel compelled to touch, at least ask first. Don't just grab at my kid's hands or feet. He doesn't belong to you. So the next time you feel your hand moving out for him remind yourself that you may just bring out the Momma Bear in me, and that's not something you want to be on the receiving end of.

One Agitated Mommy