Mmmmm...Sweet Taters
Our pediatrician gave us the go on cereals and all Level 1 foods. Since Gabriel had already been dabbling in cereal, and over the last week became very proficient at it, so we decided to let him try sweet potatoes. I figured it was a good veggie that was a little sweet and therefore more appealing to the palate. He made an awful face after his first taste the other day, but now he loves them and opens his mouth for more. :)
He also likes to hold onto the tools mommy is using. Sometimes he's interested in the bowl, sometimes the spoon. Today I let him have his own spoon. He was attempting to get it in his mouth. Of course it didn't have food on it...until he smeared it on his face. Then he got potatoes on his clothes, arms, legs, and even his forehead. :)
Yes, he and his daddy are very messy eaters. Really, I'm messier at feeding it to him then he is about eating it. lol Most of that mess is from him turning his head at the last minute as I go to put it in his mouth. He likes to try to help me by moving his head...he just moves it in the wrong direction. :) When he's done he either purses his lips, whines, or tries to kick the bowl out of my hands.
I think Grace has found a new best friend. She sniffed out his empty bowl of sweet potatoes and licked up the remnants. See, Grace, we told you you'd like him.
Hey! That's my food, Grace!