Mosquito Bites
I'm not sure everyone understands how ready I am to move away from this area. Here is just another example of why. We have a mosquito problem, and I don't want to hear anyone else say how bad they are at their house. Nope...not unless you live in this area. They are itty bitty, hard to catch/kill, and they are abundant. And they live from about March - December. So, we do get a nice 3 month break from them (sometimes). Well, the other day was the last straw. They attacked my son. Three bites in about 1 minute and I couldn't even swat them all away. Well, one got him on the eyebrow...that night his eyelid was swollen shut. Poor little guy. They itched him so badly and Benadryl wasn't helping at all. I read online that you could rub the inside of a banana peel on it and that will stop itching and reduce swelling. It worked!!! This is about 45 min. after applying the banana peel.
This is later in the afternoon: