A Trip to the Hospital

12/22 Gabriel had a day of running errands and what not. A normal day for us. He was doing fine and being himself. But, when I went to feed him his nighttime bottle (7 p.m.) he only wanted a couple of ounces. Shortly followed by 5 projectile vomits in 25 min. We rushed our little guy to the hospital (where he threw up 3 more times). They attempted to hook him up to an IV. They stuck the poor guy 6 times trying to do it!!! :( He was so dehydrated and lethargic and was turning yellow. He was just lying there, not moving, and not very responsive other than he knew he wanted his mommy to hold him. His white blood cell count was at 28,000 (normal is 5,000-10,000). This led them to believe he was fighting of an infection. After not having a wet diaper for 12 hours it was determined that our local hospital wasn't able to do what we needed them to. They couldn't get a new IV hooked up and it was just becoming torture for him. The hospital decided that he should be transferred to TX Children's Hospital.

So, Gabriel and I got in an ambulance and were taken to TX Children's where we would be joined later by Brian (who went home to take care of Grace's needs for a few minutes) and Gabriel's Grandma and Grandpa Navarre. When we arrived at the hospital I vomited and began having diarrhea issues. It was quickly determined that Gabriel and I were both suffering from what they call the Winter Vomit Virus. (Fun, eh?) So, now Gabriel and I were both sick. After more tests and getting an IV hooked up (which only took the children's hospital 1 try) we were told that Gabriel and I should be pretty much back to normal in 48 hours. We finally were able to get him to start drinking some Pedialyte (he wouldn't drink any because he was too dehydrated before).

We were discharged at 11 a.m. yesterday. Cherlyn helped us out around the house yesterday afternoon. Today Gabriel seems to be doing a little better. He's drinking half strength formula. According to his pediatrician he should be back to regular eating tomorrow (we're hoping.) I was still battling a fever this morning, but that seems to have cleared up now. Luckily Brian seems to have been able to avoid it. I see a very relaxed Christmas for us. Which is a shame with it being Gabriel's first one. But, the greatest gift of all this year will be to have a happy healthy baby boy once again.