10 Months Old

So...I wanted to give everyone a feel for what our monthly photo sessions are like anymore.

Mom. You left this sign on the couch. Here you go.
Ooohh, I don't get up here very often. This pillow is nice.
Cool! I get to play with Chapstick.
I wonder what Chapstick tastes like?
Oh, Mom, you lost your sign again. Here you go.
Hey! Don't mess with me. I have Chapstick.
It's a combination of hilarity and annoyance. You just wanna get the perfect shot, but also he's having so much fun playing around.

10 month stats:
Weight: 22 lbs.
Height: 28 (or a little more) inches
Favorite Foods: Cheese, Goldfish Crackers, Wagon Wheels
Favorite Games: Stacking rings, taking objects out of and putting them back into containers, knocking down stacks of blocks
Latest Achievements: "Walking" his activity table around the house, now has a top tooth giving him a total of 3 teeth, eats all table foods for meal times
Gabriel also likes to help mommy. Here he is organizing mommy's quilt fabrics.
Rolling around in them is fun too.