#8 Accomplished!!!! - I'm PREGNANT!

Yep. That's right. I am a goal oriented person. And actually very advanced as I achieved my goal of pregnancy in 2010, in 2009. :) We are over the moon, and admittedly very surprised, at the news. Who would have thought after so much difficulty getting pregnant with Gabriel that it would happen in one month this go around?! I went to the dr. yesterday to confirm and we look good. :) We look forward to sharing the next 8ish months remaining with you in what I'm sure will be a hectic and overwhelming fashion, but completely fun and thrilling as our little family expands. And for me...literally expands. lol

2 under 2...I hope I'm ready for this! :) Due date should be able to be better determined at my appt. on the 19th, but for now we know it will be in September. And yes, will be holding that kid in if it decides to try to come out on my birthday. lol