Gabriel vs. 2.0

So it has been interesting to me how different both pregnancies have been, and I'm only in week 7! Here are some major differences in the pregnancies thus far:

Exhaustion: With Gabriel I was tired, but still had the energy to get things done. With 2.0 I constantly live in a state of physical and mental exhaustion.

Eating Habits: Gabriel didn't give me any nausea problems really. Although at times I would be eating something and it just wouldn't appeal to me anymore. 2.0 makes me feel nauseous off and on throughout the day, but mostly at night.

Physical Changes: By this point my chest was really sore and it hurt to even wear a shirt during my first pregnancy. This pain at all.

Emotions: With Gabriel I didn't have many mood swings. I was pretty even keel in regards to most everyday things. With 2.0 I could cry at the drop of a hat. Especially if someone uses a tone I don't like or looks at me the wrong way.

It is CRAZY how different I feel this time around. I think I'm driving Brain bonkers. Cherlyn took Grace for the week because all of the grass she brings in from the backyard was causing me to go mental. I can't wait for the second trimester. lol