2.0 - 13 weeks 2 days

So, I have a few minutes while Gabriel is napping and I thought I'd show you another picture of 2.0. :) Baby is looking good. Good heartbeat and measuring right on target. I think 2.0 was sleeping as the little legs and arms were all squenched up tight and there wasn't any body movement. Cutie!!! Here the baby is looking at us. The head is on the right. The dark area in the center of the body is where the heart is, and the little legs are curled up on the left. Gabriel really enjoys seeing his sibling on the TV. He watches so intently and quietly.

In 4 weeks - the anatomy ultrasound. Keep your fingers crossed that 2.0 isn't feeling modest! We can't wait to find out if the little one is a boy or girl. :)