Gabriel's First Astro's Game
Brian got his hands on some Astros tickets for Memorial Day at work and we thought it would be a lot of fun to take Gabriel to his first game. He was a little overwhelmed by all of the sights and sounds at first...
but after a few Mommy cuddles...
he was having a grand ol' time. He really got into the clapping. Every time the crowd cheered or booed he was on top of it clapping away with a giant smile on his face.
He enjoyed some Cracker Jacks with his Daddy, a little pretzel with his mommy, and a few of his own little snacks that we brought along. He got to see a pitcher tossed out of the game by the umpire and also a home run. This meant that the train moved across the stadium and he was VERY excited about seeing that. Our section wasn't crowded which allowed him to walk up and down our row and get some exercise as well. He lasted through the top of the 5th inning and then we headed home. Not bad at all.
Unfortunately for the home team things did not go their way despite Gabriel's enthusiasm. After we left things got ugly for the Astros and the Nationals pulled ahead. I say it has something to do with the pitcher getting thrown out of the game. But, I guess that's what happens when you have un-sportsman like conduct. Hopefully Oswald learned his lesson.
Although I am never really sad to see the Astros lose, it would have been nice for them to win Gabriel's first game. At least until I can convince him he's a Pirates fan...or maybe a Phillies fan since they actually seem to win some games.