Lorelai Ultrasound Photos!!!

36 weeks 4 days and counting!  And she is in head down, ready to show up.  :)  We got to see our darling girl on the ultrasound today.  She wasn't wanting to show her whole face to her paparazzi but was giving us a little kiss.  :)  In this one she is lying on her side.  In the center of the picture you will see her lips giving us a little kiss, and to the right of her mouth you'll see her little nose.  Then her left arm and hand is kind of covering the top portion of the face.   And we can't tell, but Brian noticed that it looks like she has two top teeth.  See the two white spots on the bottom of her upper lip?
She is most definitely a girl, but I'll spare her the humiliation of posting that shot.  She also has a lot of hair.  The ultrasound tech kept commenting on how much of it there was.  It's the white whisps sticking out from her head.  Kind of makes it look like she stuck her finger in a light socket.  The tech put an arrow pointing to it on the right, but there is some on the left too that you can see.  Looks like her hair was swooshing to the right though at the time.
She is measuring in at about 6 lbs. 8 oz. (I'm not positive on the oz., it could be more).  I am 1.5 cm. dilated, 50% effaced, and very soft.  The dr. could feel her head.  She estimated about 2 weeks, and said at about that time she should be about 7 1/2 lbs.  We shall see.  She did say I was once again a good candidate for induction at 39 weeks if the baby hasn't shown up yet.  So we shall see what time brings.   We're very excited and all of a sudden it seems very real to me that we will have 2 children any day now!!!  EEK!  :)

Brian and I then had a nice lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.  Yum!  Then to top off the day when Gabriel woke up from his afternoon nap he jabbed me in the eye and scratched it.  So, off to Urgent Care I went and now I have cream for my eye.  Fun!  So annoying.  But, over all a fabulous day.