
My poor babies.  We're off to the doctor tomorrow.  Lorelai was the first one to get a cold on Thursday.  Her breathing has worsened but not enough to be concerning until today, but no fever.  Gabriel started getting a cold yesterday, but last night graduated to a mild fever.  Today he has a fever ranging anywhere from 100.9 - 102.2 depending on the time you take it.  Both kids are coughing and have stuffy noses.  Luckily Gabriel's nose runs.  Lorelai's won't and I can't get hers to suction hardly at all despite the saline I'm using.  I called the on call nurse and she said they sound like they'll be okay for tonight but to bring them both in tomorrow.  She said it doesn't sound like Lorelai has croup.  So, say a little prayer for fast healing for the kiddos.