Some Videos - Lorelai Rolling Over

So, I've been trying and trying to catch Lorelai rolling on video. But, as all kids seem to do, as soon as the camera comes out she won't do it.  Today I caught her mid roll.  Of course when I tried to catch the whole thing she wouldn't do it anymore.  Sorry.  I do what I can when I can, and before Gabriel notices the camera and takes it to make his own "home movies."  lol

She is also quite the talker these days.  I call her chin her "Happy Button."  When you jiggle her little chin she just smiles, coos, and laughs.  (The laugh is when it sounds like she's coughing while smiling.)  She's changing so fast.

And I know my mom wanted to see Gabriel playing in the playhouse so here is video of that.  :)

And here is your bonus boy and dog photo.  ;)