Recent Happenings
This dog is not on my good side. I finally convinced Brian to let her on the furniture because between the kids and trying to keep her from eating everything I was growing VERY tired of telling her to also stay off of the furniture. As a mom I have learned to pick my battles. This isn't one worth fighting to me right now. She is also extremely lucky that this little boy loves her so much.
We got some fun kid gardening kits. Gabriel planted his tomato seeds and Lorelai's pumpkin seeds. Lorelai played with her gardening tools and watched. We set them outside. They lasted one day, and then Paisley destroyed them all.
I got Gabriel this little cardboard play house at Hobby Lobby for $8. He is enjoying coloring the pictures in. Paisley has enjoyed chewing on the roof when we're in another room.
Here is cutie Lorelai in her new sun hat. Paisley chewed off the strap on her old one in a spot where I can't repair it on my sewing machine.
Being shy of her paparazzi.
Notice a pattern with Paisley. She is very lucky I won't return a dog to the shelter for being a puppy, and that Gabriel is a big Paisley advocate. As I say...I love her, but I don't always like her very much.