I found a little flyer at an indoor play place in Edmond about a Touch a Truck event at the local college supporting the food bank. I thought it might be fun for Gabriel to be able to touch a real dump truck (that was what was pictured) and they were asking for a small donation of $2. Well, we showed up today and there was an entire parking lot full of trucks, buses, and a helicopter! Needless to say our truck loving son was in heaven. There were sirens going, kids got to honk the horns, so much fun! Best idea ever.
First stop...fire truck. |
School bus. He liked it from the outside but screamed, cried, and tried to climb over Brian to get off when Brian tried to take him inside. |
Lookin' cool in his Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger shades. |
THE GARBAGE TRUCK!!! Or as Gabriel says it "TASH!!!!" |
This was the hit of the outing for sure of course. His favorite for a long time now. He wanted to go inside, but the garbage man kept talking to him and that made him nervous. |
The inconspicuous Narcotics Hummer. lol |
Cement mixers are cool too. |
The bomb squad robot. |
Daddy and Gabriel both enjoyed seeing the helicopter. :) Gabriel kept making his helicopter sound and pointing at the sky. |
Another visit to the Garbage Truck. |
More cement mixers. And he also noticed the ladders...another Gabriel favorite. |
A giant flat bed. He loved climbing on this thing. It finally got so crowded that I had to take him off because I was afraid the big kids were going to knock him off of the top of it, and that would have been quite a fall. |
At the top! King of the flat bed! Woo!!! |
Lorelai would like to remind you that she was also present, accounted for, and as cute as ever. And being so patient since it was her lunch time and we thought there would only be one truck there and we'd be gone for 15 minutes or so. Such a little angel and sweet to her older brother. |