Off to the Wood's

Last weekend our family drove down to the Dallas area for a LONG overdue visit with the Wood family.  It had been an entire year!!!  One of the advantages of moving was supposed to be that the cousins could see each other more frequently.  Ummm...yeah.  We need to be better about that.

Everyone had a great time, despite the shortness of the visit.  Barrett enjoyed showing Gabriel all of his Superhero toys and seemed especially pleased that Gabriel came with a bunch of Spiderman clothing.  He was kind enough to share his Spiderman mask with Gabriel.

 Cousin hugs are some of the best hugs!  They were great little pals together.
After Barrett removed the Spiderman mask for Gabriel he exclaimed, "Look!  It's Peter Parker."  Gabriel replied, "I not Peter Parker!  I'm Gabriel."
 Caroline has grown so much!  She is a sweet little thing and tried her best to keep up with the other 3.

Lorelai was busy being shy.  It's a common thing for her these days.  She warmed up to the boys, but she seemed afraid that Caroline may snatch her treasured Ladybug Girl Doll away from her at any moment.

We did try to get a picture of the kids together.  This is the best one I could get.

Shockingly Lorelai did let Caroline hold her doll for a minute or so.  I was so proud of her.  That's not easy for her to do.  Being her safety toy we don't force her to share that particular doll.  Other toys of course.  Just not that specific one. was short lived.  She seemed to go by the philosophy of, "If I can't see you, you can't see me."

See her hiding LBG?  lol

Poor Caroline.  She tried so hard to make friends.  Lorelai just kept giving her the shifty eyes.

But, in the end they were able to get along.  :)  And I know it will only get easier for them as they get older.  They're both still so little.

On Sunday we had a nice lunch at Rainforest Cafe.  Well, the girls weren't big fans.  They never cried, but were certainly freaked out by it.  So, I always had my hands full and didn't get a chance to take pictures there.

Hope we can get together again soon-ish!  Gabriel is currently typing an "e-mail" to Barrett on his iPad.  I think he misses his cousin.  ;)