Thanksgiving 2012

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We celebrated Thanksgiving Day just as our little family of 4.  Can I tell you it was really nice to just celebrate a holiday with the four of us?  :)  Brian did a great job with dinner as usual.  The kids and I watched the Macy's Parade.  My high school band was performing in it this year! :)  I'm really proud of them.  The band has come so far, and they did a great job.  Here they are (complete with fight song as they march off!):

The kiddos were especially excited to see Santa at the end of the parade.  Gabriel exclaimed, "It's Santa!  I need to sit down!"  He then came running to the couch.  lol  It's so fun to see how he understands the whole Santa thing now.

The kids were also helpful in the kitchen.  They assisted me with the stuffing, and helped Brian with the cherry pie.

Lorelai wore Gabriel's Turkey Shirt from last year:

I left on Friday morning for a quilt retreat up near Tulsa.  It was a great time to relax work on Gabriel's bed quilt and to just be myself for a weekend.