Happy 4th Birthday, Gabriel!

Yesterday our darling little boy turned 4!  4!!!  I can hardly believe that it was 4 years ago that I was holding a tiny little newborn in my arms.
He was a fairly easy going baby, and remains a fairly easy going kid.  He's not one to bounce off of the walls (usually), he's generally very polite and mild mannered.  He's shy with grown ups, but really enjoys kids.  He has a love of nature, specifically animals that most would consider "scary" or "gross".  The kid is seriously like someone out of a Disney movie because the animals love him just as much.  I'm always impressed with how many animals approach him at the zoo.  He's gentle (although Lorelai might not agree with that statement some days) both physically and with his words.  He's very sensitive.  You don't need to be overly harsh with him for him to understand, and he takes your words very much to heart (both good and bad).  He's a bit bossy, but also can be very encouraging.  The kid still loves garbage trucks and has an affinity for police cars/men.

It's amazing to see all of these personality traits unfold over the years.  Don't get me wrong...it's not like he's changed dramatically every year in his personality.  He's stayed very much the same.  But, I'm enjoying seeing him express himself in new ways, listening to his sweet little voice.  I waited 2 years for him to be able to talk.  It's so great to hear how he thinks about things.

I'm so lucky to be his mom.  It may be a tough job somedays, but it's still the greatest one I could ever have.

I need to add Legos to this list.  It slipped my mind.

Little siblings need a present too so they don't feel left out.

This birthday was all about Trashies!

We went to the zoo for the second time this week.  The snake house was finally open.
Gabriel helped me decorate his snake cake.  :)