Fourth of July at the Farm

We were fortunate to be able to make another trip to Cherlyn and Greg's cottage in Michigan for the Fourth of July.  We were even luckier that Brian was able to make the trip with us!  There are SO many pictures.  :)

Grandma Cherlyn ordered a swing for the big Sycamore tree which Grandpa Greg graciously "installed" over a giant branch.  You went high and far, especially with Daddy launching you into the air!

 Gabriel and Lorelai both worked on driving "Mr. Green Jeans."  Gabriel was getting pretty darn good by the end as long as someone else was pushing the pedals.  Lorelai was a tad crazy.

 We did fireworks on a few nights.  Super long sparklers are GREAT!
 Daddy was in charge of setting everything off.
 We had some donuts outside, on a quilt, under a tree...

 and then we went to "Picnic Place" and had a camp fire.

 The kids got in on ALL of the action.

 We saved some fireworks for the 4th of July of course.

 Both kids helped pull vegetables for dinners...but Lorelai just LOVED her time in the garden.

 Brian drove a tractor.
 I pulled some lavender.
 We did some art projects....

And we hit the "beach."

 Oh, and I got my shorts all wet.
We had a fantastic visit full of family, food, and fun!  :)  Thanks for the great time, Grandma Cherlyn and Grandpa Greg!