Outdoor Fun - Summer 2015

I love how these pea plants look like they're holding hands.
This we were decided to plant a garden...the original idea was to actually build a square foot garden in the yard, but Gilbert derailed those plans when we learned he likes to eat the newly growing pea plants.  Ugh.  We caught him twice.  After a second scolding he has left them alone, but we were wary so we figured containers on the porch were better so we could keep a closer eye on our mischevious pup.

Gabriel's are finally beginning to take off a bit...only two of his survived the Great Gilbert Massacre of 2015, and they took a little bit of a beating while we were on vacation despite regular watering.  Lorelai's Mammoth Sunflower plants are growing like gangbusters!  The bugs love the leaves, but we have flowers blooming and one of the plants has 10, yes TEN, buds on it!  I really need to snap some pictures of her lovely blooms.

The kids enjoyed the nice weather in early June playing in the hot tub and the squiggly sprinklers that Grandma Cherlyn sent.  Gilbert really enjoys them too.  Paisley prefers to avoid all water activities.  Gilbert actually really loves playing with the water hose as well, attempting to herd the stream of water.  It's highly entertaining and sometimes he does crazy flips like watching a dog frisbee contest.  It's quite impressive.