Gabriel's Kindergarten Graduation
"I want to be a LEGO Designer."
Last night Gabriel graduated from Kindergarten. In some ways I can't believe I just typed those words, in others I am so excited for what the future holds for him. I adore this smart, unique, kind, adorable little boy who is growing by leaps and bounds before my eyes. He's grown two inches this school year and gained six pounds. He's AMAZING at math, and his reading skills blow me away. He learned how to stand up in front of a crowd and be confident enough to sing and talk into a microphone. He cares deeply for his friends, teachers, and family. This kid wants to be a LEGO designer...and you know what...he can do it. His ideas are fresh and creative, and I love his attention to detail. That's where you hook's all in the details.
Gabriel, you are the best little boy this mommy could have hoped for, and it is such an honor to be a part of your incredible life. Congratulations,'re a 1st grader now!!!