Uncle Jerry & Aunt Annie
Throughout the trip I had been texting a bit with my dad, and at one point he mentioned that Uncle Jerry and Aunt Annie only lived 2 1/2 hours from the farm. We jumped at the chance to visit family, and we were thrilled that Uncle Jerry and Aunt Annie were in town and were happy to have us visit for a couple of days. We packed SO much in. My kids fished for the first time, we visited a bird sanctuary, and Gabriel learned how to shoot a BB Gun. Not to mention frisbee golf and ping pong. It was a whirlwind of a trip in the best of ways!!! I couldn't ask for better fishing instructors for my kids. ;)
Fall at the Farm - Part 2
Spending time tromping through the woods and fields is always one of the highlights of our time at the farm, and this trip was no exception. The kids were very excited to learn that new paths had been made through Aunt Ann's Woods so the golf cart (aka Mr. Green Jeans) and the Gator spent a lot of time driving the trails.
Gabriel asked me to take a video of him dancing through the field like Bert in Mary Poppins...so here ya go!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Mother's Day to both of our mom's!!! We took Cherlyn and Greg to the beach today to celebrate the occasion. Everyone had a great time hanging out at Surfside Beach. Brian ordered me speakers to go with the new Mac computer I ordered for being a good mommy to our Gracie girl.
Mmmm...KFC makes awesome beach food.
Mmmm...KFC makes awesome beach food.