2 Months

Gabriel stats:  
12 lbs. 4 oz.
23 in. tall

He is in the 50% all around.  :)
Everything checked out great.  The dr. commented that he was one beautiful baby.  I agree!

He did get his first big round of shots.  He took the oral vaccine wonderfully.  He sucked that baby down and didn't spit up a drop of it.  The shots he was not so thrilled about.  He cried bloody murder.  He cried so hard that he actually stopped making sound and started turning purple in the face.  (Just like when he was born...he tends to hold his breath when he's really mad.)  The rest of the day he was very tired and just wanted to cuddle.  Of course I was happy to oblige.  He never got a fever though.  Woohoo!

I can't believe 2 months have passed us by already.  Wasn't I just blogging about hoping they have room for me for the induction at the hospital?!

Hondo, TX

Brian trying out the Wii Fit.

The Braden Family chilling on the couch.

Gabriel enjoyed sharing Kase's toys.  Especially the swing, Bumbo, and Rainforest Playmat.

We paid a visit to Marissa, Chris, and Kase in Hondo this weekend.  It was so much fun meeting Kase and getting the kids together for the first time.  They had a great photo session on Sunday morning before we left with Chris.  He is quite the budding photographer.  Hopefully I'll get my hands on some of them soon.  :)  We spent the weekend relaxing which was great.  Gabriel handled the car ride like a champ!  And he started eating 6 oz. before bedtime while there!  :)  

Kase is a sweetie.  Such an easy going little guy.  We can't wait to see him more and more as he gets older.  Thanks for having us Bradens!  :)

Coming up this week:  Gabriel's 2 mo. pediatrician visit, possibly our first play group meeting, Grandma Cherlyn is coming for a visit, lots of errands to run, and Gabriel turns 2 months old on Saturday!!!  

Sunday and Monday

Gabriel met his awesome Godparents on Saturday.  We are so excited that Jeremy and Kari will be assisting us in guiding and teaching Gabriel about his faith.  :)  Thanks y'all!!!

We had a great time with them and Steve on Sunday eating fajitas and playing "Puerto Rico."  It's a really fun strategy board game (at least what I played of it was fun...I had to tend to motherly duties.  But, I hear the rest was great too.) that I highly recommend to y'all.
On Monday the greater Houston area got some major storms.  Actually, today (Tuesday), there has been a lot of flooding in some areas.  Luckily not in Clute.  Anywho...Daddy was pulling double duty last night trying to comfort Gabriel and Grace during the storm.
And just because they're so darn cute together...


Yesterday Gabriel attended his first ConocoPhillips BBQ.  We enjoyed showing off our cutie pie to all of our friends and Brian's coworkers.  Here he is with Lindsay.  She was very good with him...she'll make a great mom!  (Right, Travis?!)

Oh, and check out those shoes!

Gabriel is an adamant supporter of Paul Kresta for Port Freeport Commissioner as evidenced by his pin.
We thought a "Kiss the Baby" photo op was exactly what Paul's campaign needed.  :)

A Visit from The Wood Family

This weekend Uncle Matt, Aunt Angie, Cousin Barrett and Charlie made the trek down from Dallas to come meet their newest nephew.  We had a great time visiting with them and spending time with our nephew, Barrett.  He is definitely one busy little fellow now.  He's always on the move somewhere.  :)  Thanks for coming all of this way to meet Gabriel!

Please excuse the pajamas.  Sleep is precious on the weekends so I was still in my PJs after a good few hours in a row.  :)

I love the way Barrett is looking at Gabriel.  Like...Hey, I didn't know there was a baby here.
Told you he could hold his head up.  But, now he's using his upper body to get even higher.  He did this for a good 30-45 seconds at least.  If not longer.  He was crying so hard right before this and then he lifted his head up and stopped immediately.  He must have been as shocked as we were!  This is a 2-3 month skill!  :)

But, all good things have to come to an end.  lol
They look the most alike when they're napping.

I love playing with the cheeks.  :)
Barrett has one of the best little kid smiles I've ever seen!  It's contagious!!!
Uncle Brian really enjoyed spending time with Barrett.  He loves that Barrett can move around and interact.
Love this picture!
Can't forget Charlie!  :)  Grace was in hiding a lot.  Barrett was a little too fond of her.  lol
Thanks again for coming!  We hope to see you again soon!!!

There's a fungus among us...

Gabriel had his 1 month dr. visit.  Overall he's really doing great.  He is now 9 1/2 lbs. which puts him in the 50%, and he is 21 in. long putting him in the 25%.  I honestly don't know how you go from in the 70%s to this but the dr. was pleased.  His head measured in between the 25% and the 50% so he is still really well proportioned.  

Over the long Easter weekend Gabriel developed the sniffles and also started having some bowel movement issues...which brought his diaper rash back in full force.  OUCH!!!  Poor little guy...no wonder he hates having his diaper changed and being naked.  Turns out he has a digestive tract infection which is causing a yeast rash on his little toushy.  We have some medicine now so that should clear up the potty issues and the rash issue!  Woohoo!!!!  Finally!  :)  

He is also on target with all of his little development milestones and is actually a little ahead as he has laughed in his sleep and yesterday held his head up while on his tummy for the first time.  His actual one month-iversary is on Thursday so we will take his picture then.  :)

bumGenius 3.0

Well, we are diving into a trial run of the cloth diapering world.  We just received our order of bumGenius 3.0 diapers and they are currently in the washing machine getting prepped for use.  I'm actually kind of excited about the idea, but we will have to see how it goes.  I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable using them in public.  They're a little bulky for the diaper bag and for extended trips.  However, most of our time will be spent around the house anyway so I am going to give them a go.  They are really cute and I know he'll look adorable in them.  

Gabriel is also quite the pooper so we'd have to invest in an insane number of these right now to make it work.  So, we'll use these during the day and disposables at night for now.  I promise to take a picture of him in his cute diapers and will update you on what we think of them.  :)  I really do want to be as Earth friendly as possible...or at least as much as I feel comfortable (I know that's wrong of me to only do it when I want to...but I figure it's better than not doing it at all.).

Stay tuned...

Getting the laundry done...with a little help

So, I have become a master at doing most things one handed now.  lol  Unfortunately carrying a full laundry basket and Gabriel is still a challenging one.  So, I decided to solve that problem Moses style...place the baby in the basket.  :)  He wasn't quite sure about it at first so he was moving his head around looking at his surroundings trying to figure things out...
Hmmm...do I like this?
Yes, I do!  :)  Don't you love his smile?  (That's a rhetorical question...of course you love his smile!)

Rise and Shine

Sorry for the poor quality...but blogger is so darn slow I had to lessen the quality for speed since it's such a large file.

Gabriel is big on the stretching while he's trying to wake himself up.  Often when people are holding him they think they're making him uncomfortable, but this is just one of his adorable personality traits.  :)  He will literally do this off an on for a half an hour.  It makes it hard for mommy to sleep at night while she's listening to this on the monitor.  lol  But, at least we know when to start getting a bottle ready.  

This week in the life of Gabriel...

In no particular order...
We like to spend some time during the day doing Itsy Bitsy Yoga.  Here is Gabriel doing the Dolphin Pose.  It's one of his favorites.  Don't you just love those chubby cheeks?!

Gabriel met his Grandpa Wood this week.  :)  They had a great time together.
Yes, he likes to take naps with his Mommy too.  :)
Oh...he's so perfect!!!
My parents left today.  We miss them already!!!  Please come back soon!
He loves his Grandpa.
Action shot...
The swing is one of his favorites.  He's napping in it as I type.

Gabriel's First Trip to the Pediatrician

We had a visit from Granddad Lipscomb.
See...Gabriel looks like his daddy.  :)
They really enjoy napping together.
Awww...my guys are so cute!

Well, Gabriel had an exciting week.  He had his first visit from his Granddad Lipscomb and had his first visit to the pediatrician.  

Gabriel checked out great at the Pediatrician.  He is now 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 1/2" long.  So, he's in great proportion and falls into the 70 and 75% for those areas.  He is very healthy and strong and is right on target for all of his developmental milestones thus far.  :)  That's our boy!!!!  He does have a blocked tear duct which he's had since birth so he has some eye drops for that, but that is a fairly common and minor issue.  We go back in 2 weeks for his 1 month exam.  In the meantime he needs to get his second PKU.

Hope you enjoy the pictures from this week.  :)