2 Months
Gabriel stats:
12 lbs. 4 oz.
23 in. tall
He is in the 50% all around. :)
Everything checked out great. The dr. commented that he was one beautiful baby. I agree!
He did get his first big round of shots. He took the oral vaccine wonderfully. He sucked that baby down and didn't spit up a drop of it. The shots he was not so thrilled about. He cried bloody murder. He cried so hard that he actually stopped making sound and started turning purple in the face. (Just like when he was born...he tends to hold his breath when he's really mad.) The rest of the day he was very tired and just wanted to cuddle. Of course I was happy to oblige. He never got a fever though. Woohoo!
I can't believe 2 months have passed us by already. Wasn't I just blogging about hoping they have room for me for the induction at the hospital?!