This weekend in the life of Gabriel...

The day started off gloomy (Sunday) but we had a great time at church this morning!  :)  Gabriel was admired by many.  We are still doing things to avoid spreading the Swine Flu which I find a little funny, but I appreciate that they are concerned.
Grace hasn't been a big Gabriel fan.  She keeps her distance and is often known to get up and leave the immediate vicinity if Gabriel gets too close.  Today she got a little brave.  She must really have wanted pets.
Alas, I can never please everyone!
Yep...he still has that Elvis smile in his repertoire.

Yesterday Grandma Cherlyn & Grandpa Greg came for a visit as they will be spending most of their time for the next month in Michigan at the cottage.  We got to enjoy some date time while they babysat.  Angels and Demons...great movie!  Better than The Da Vinci Code.  Now I need to read the book!
Still to come tonight...a triple date.  Gabriel's girlfriend and her parents (our good friends Tara and Jason) are coming over for fajitas!  Yum!  (I hope the rain stops.)