Brian sitting on the garden steps with the Palace of Versailles behind him.How would you like to have this for your backyard view?
The French like to have very symmetrical gardens. Even the forested portions of Versailles along the pathways are trimmed. The trees along all pathways are like giant rectangular prisms. On a side note, the new header to our blog (the big banner at the top) is also a picture of the Versailles Gardens.
This was the queen's bedroom. Talk about liking your floral prints! The queens gave birth to their children in public in this room. Yes, they had an audience for everything!!! It makes TLC's "A Baby Story" seem like little league child birth. They actually did it so that the royal family couldn't sneak a baby in who wasn't the true dauphin or dauphine (prince or princess). Marie Antoinette put an end to public child birth after her first child was born...good woman!
The chandeliers in Versailles are so opulent. I was fascinated by every single one. The crystal is beautifully cut, every one is topped with a tassel cord...this one was almost purple in coloration. It was in the room leading to the queen's rooms.