The infamous Hall of Mirrors. The Treaty of Versailles was signed here which put an end to WWI. The sun was finally shining while we were inside so we got to see the magnificent reflection of the windows on the mirrors.One of many fabulous views. We did Versailles as a bike tour...which was unfortunate because it rained, but the guy giving the tour was, Taylor, one of Matt's friends from A&M which was cool. He gave us a great way to remember the three kings who made Versailles their main pad. Louis XIV built it, Louis XV enjoyed it, and Louis XVI paid for it (he lost his head to the guillotine).
Unfortunately for your second and third class Parisians the Louis' living styles weren't very peasant friendly. People were taxed about 80% of their income and around 25% of that went to working on Versailles.
The building above is the Grande Trianon. That is the kings vacation home at Versailles. Things at the palace were very formal. There was a ceremony for everything there from getting dressed to eatting. They also had an audience for everything...and I do mean everything. More on that later. Below is a raven who was hanging out in the rain while we had a picnic under the arches.
We were supposed to picnic out in the gardens, but the down pour put a damper on that. ha ha ha...get it? A "damper" on it? Okay...sorry about that. Here we are enjoying our nice bottle of wine in the freezing cold and that rain blowing in on us. Good times.