32 1/2 weeks - Dr. Appt.

Well, I had my 32ish week appt. this morning.  Everything is looking good.  Gabriel's heartbeat is strong and he is measuring just about where he should be.  (Those words from the dr. lead me to believe that he's a tad on the larger side, but not so far ahead that it's worth worrying about.)  We discussed the fact that my dinner blood sugar numbers have been on the higher side so I have been put on Glyburide for my dinner #.  Hopefully that will help things out.  It's a very low dosage (the lowest she can give) and thankfully is not an insulin shot.  Although I will do whatever it takes to keep this little guy healthy!  My next appt. is only in 2 weeks!!!  AAAAHHHH we're so close to the end!  We are also pre-registered at the hospital now.  How exciting...and yet a little nerve wracking.  I am psyched to meet my little boy, not worried about labor, but I am nervous about everything to come after.  You know...the whole raising of the child thing.  But, I know I'll just take it one day at a time and everything will go fine.  :)  I can't wait to meet him!!!!!  

Currently Grace is at the vet.  She had surgery scheduled for today so I am waiting for a phone call to see how it went.  Poor little girl.  I cried dropping her off this morning.  The people in the waiting area probably though I was looney...or a very hormonally challenged pregnant woman.  I get to pick her up tonight, so I need to tidy up the house for her.  I absolutely refused to have her spend the night there...all alone.  :(  So, she is going to be at home with her mommy and daddy.  I will probably sleep on the couch in case she needs any assistance.  I guess this is a good chance to test out my theory that sleeping on the couch may be comfier than the bed in my current larger state.  lol