Brake Lights Mean S-T-O-P!!!!
Yesterday, I was riding home from my Gestational Diabetes class with my mother-in-law on I-10 West. The traffic in front of us was slowing and as we were slowing to a stop Cherlyn asked why was the traffic bottle-necking when there were so many lanes? I was about to respond with, "Because people don't know how to drive on hills." Well, before I could get the word "hills" out we were rear-ended by a truck (we were in a Lexus sudan) who were traveling at 60 mph. He did pass out and his foot must not have come off of the gas pedal because right as we asked each other if the other was okay he hit us a second time at full speed (whatever full speed is after you've already been hit by a truck traveling 60 mph.).
Cherlyn's neck was very sore and she was having a hard time moving and my abdomen was sore from what I assume was from the lap portion of the belt. Cherlyn noticed that the man behind us was slumped over the wheel and then later he was laying flat on his back as he must have pulled the seat back when he regained consciousness. Cherlyn dialed 911...frustrating call as they continuously told her that the exit we could see as plain as day in front of our faces did not exist.
I called Brian and he left work immediately and headed on his way to us. Two tow trucks pulled over to help us out. The blocked the traffic on our left. Interestingly we were in the left lane and people decided that rather than stopping to help us out they would just speed by us on the shoulder!!!!! That really upsets me. We stayed in the car so as not to get further hurt by one of the idiot cars speeding by. I began doing "kick counts." Babies should kick at least 10 times every hour. I got to 10 within 20 minutes, thank God!!!
Finally the ambulances showed up. The police were the last to show up. We were assessed, they put one of the stabilizing collars on Cherlyn and me. Then I was taken out of the car and loaded onto one of those back board stabilizers and put on a gurney.
After a ride to the hospital ER I was taken to Labor and Delivery which is standard procedure at this point in a woman's pregnancy. There I was hooked up to a heart rate monitor for Gabriel, and a contraction monitor for me. Although I wasn't feeling them I was experiencing regular contractions. This concerned the dr., and Brian finally arrived. Oh, I love him!!! So, they did an ultrasound and examined me. Luckily the ultrasound looked good, the placenta measured good, and my cervix was still closed!!! So, now the goal was to get the contractions under control.
I was ordered to be there for a 24 hour watch. Contractions did become more intense at one point. So scary!!! Brian happened to be out of the room at that point. I felt so small...but I just kept telling Gabriel I was going to take care of him, and that God was going to take care of both of us. Eventually I was given Ambien to help me relax and sleep and a great side effect is that it helps the uterus relax.
Finally throughout the night the contractions slowed, and as today progressed the became less and more irregular. I was discharghed 24 hours after arriving at the hospital which was 5:30 p.m. Ironically I was supposed to have an appt. with my regular OB today, but that has been moved to tomorrow so we can have our regular appt. and get checked out again from everything. The dr. said I still have uterine irritability, but that Gabriel was a strong and healthy little baby. That his brain responded to outside stimulus including my voice. His heart rate would visibly lower by about 10 beats when I would talk to him soothingly. Amazing!
Our little family is so blessed. I could list the number of ways but it would take so long. My mother-in-law is doing well. Soreness in the neck and back but otherwise fine. The car took a beating of course, but at least everyone is okay. The driver of the other car is supposed to be released from the hospital tomorrow, and his wife was already deemed fine after the accident.
So, I'm glad everyone is okay. I can't wait to see Dr. Wilson tomorrow to get another bit of "peace-of-mind." But, I'm going to go sit with my husband for a bit, give him hugs and kisses, and thank God for all of the great things he does! And to little're not done baking yet so no showing up until March, okay Buddy?