This weekend in the life of Gabriel (and the Lipscomb Family in general)...

On Saturday, Brian went to the Houston Garden Center to buy some more Bouganvillea for the back fence, and returned with not only that but 2 more Mini Pomegranates and a Red Maple!!!  :)  We have been wanting one for a while now, but were having a hard time coming across one.  We can't wait for the fall to see the leaves turn red.  It will remind me of the North East.  :)
I took this while we were trying to decide on tree placement.  Yes, we did end up putting it here, but I have yet to take a picture of it in the ground.
Our birdies returned this year and had a new batch of babies.  Here are the babies all lined up on the porch railing waiting for mommy to bring them some food.

It's a stormy Sunday so the babies are camped out in Mommy and Daddy's room taking naps.
Well, some of them are.  Grace would like to, but the thunder keeps disturbing her slumber.