Lorelai: Jump-a-roo

I had been waiting to bring down the Jump-a-roo because every time we have a showing of the house I have to take all of the giant baby toys and place them in the garage.  Somewhat annoying.  But, as Lorelai becomes more and more active I knew that I needed to finally suck it up and get up in the attic to bring it down for her.  I think she's glad I did.  And because I brought one new thing down I put something away to make it a trade off.  Lorelai has pretty much graduated from her play mat.  She now rolls all over the floor and is making attempts at crawling...so bye bye to our first baby toy!  :(  It's a bit sad to know that the first toy my kids played with is no longer going to be used.  (The swing has said adios as well.)