Kindergarten Pumpkin Patch Field Trip - 2015
Last Thursday Gabriel's Kindergarten class went to Chester's Pumpkin Patch for their field trip. This was our second time there and I'm not sure if he was as into it this time as he was last time, but he enjoyed some new experiences which made it fun.
This time he had a chance to feed the outdoor animals. The turkeys seemed to be his favorite.
He also enjoyed the corn maze this time. The corn was a good height this year...tall enough that the kids couldn't see over it, but short enough that the parents and teachers could so we didn't lose anyone. Gabriel chose to head in a different direction than the rest of the class so he could go exploring.
Rather than ride the ponies this time Gabriel, and a couple of classmates, chose to climb a tree while they waited for the rest of the class. This was one of my favorite things to do in my backyard growing up so I was glad that we finally found a tree that he could have a go at it. He LOVED it!!! I mean...look at this face:
That is one happy kid!