1st Day of School
The kids are excited and ready for another great year at SEAS! Gabriel is in Mrs. Garrett's 2nd Grade class and will have his First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion this year! Lorelai is in Mrs. Bobier's 1st Grade class and is looking forward to doing papers.
Today is Lorelai and Gabriel's first day at their new school. Gabriel is headed into 1st Grade, (which holds a special place in my heart being a former 1st Grade teacher) and Lorelai is headed into Kindergarten! Leading up to this day Gabriel was the most nervous, worried about meeting people, being able to tuck in his shirt well enough, not knowing his way around the school. Lorelai has been very positive, excited to get back to all of the learning, and making friends, but mostly the learning! Not to mention, Lorelai's teacher (Mrs. Moore) is new to the school as well which bring a level of comfort to Lorelai.
But, once we stepped in the classrooms today Lorelai had to put on her brave face and really fight back the tears. I got her focused on some coloring to distract her and we said our goodbyes. Gabriel on the other hand was all smiles as he looked at his coloring sheet and realized he knew what to do without needing instructions, and he even giggled when his pencil broke. And while I could see tears in his eyes as I hugged him goodbye I could also see that as soon as I stepped out of the door he was going to be just fine. I did stroll by Lorelai's room one more time where she was doing fine, just focusing on her coloring page and making sure not to look up at all. Sweet kiddo.
I just know that when I pick them up after school they're both going to have so many great things to tell me about their day, and I can't wait to hear about it. In the meantime I think I'm going to enjoy some peace and quiet for the next few hours.