Meeting Uncle Brad

Gabriel finally met Uncle Brad this week. They had a good time playing peek-a-boo, and I think by the end of the visit Brad was a lot more comfortable holding a baby. (Next time you'll have to come sooner Brad so you can hold a newborn.) :)
(Side note for future guests: When you come to our house never forget about the first baby- Grace, or she gets very offended.)

Here are some miscellaneous pictures from the other day. He still really doesn't know what to do with the toys in his exersaucer, but he is learning that he can turn around in circles in it.
He also really enjoys looking at himself.
We began teething this week too I believe. He drooled through one bib in 15 minutes! Today we had Gabriel's 3 mo. professional pictures (and a few family shots). He was very smiley for the most part...until I ruined it by putting on his hat. lol Good thing that was at the end anyway.

Happy 4th Anniversary to Us!

Four wonderful years ago Brian and I were married. That day is filled with such happy memories for both of us. Marriage is such an amazing sacrament. We are happy that friends and family were able to be with us to celebrate our union and that Fr. Rich (now Msgr. Rich) married us at St. Gregory's. Who knew that four years later I'd still be insanely in love with my husband and would also have a new little man in life to be insanely in love with. Thank you for marrying me, Brian! Thank you for being the father of my child! I love you so very much!!!

Busy Week Ahead...

Well, if I don't collapse from exhaustion after this coming week it will be a miracle. lol

Monday - Run errands
Tuesday - "Work Out" with Tara and Baptism class in the evening. I'm supposed to leave Gabriel in the nursery at church, but I don't know how comfortable I am with that.
Wednesday - Grandma Cherlyn and Uncle Brad are coming over. This will be Uncle Brad's first time to see his nephew.
Thursday - Our 4 year wedding anniversary! (Awwww!!!!)
Friday - 3 month picture shoot in Pearland
Saturday - Brian has a party to go to...we think it's outside so Gabriel and I opted out.

When do they go back to normal? your hormones ever go back to normal after having a child? I was holding Gabriel and looking at him the other day and got tears in my eyes, because he's getting so big and before you know it he'll be off to college, meeting a girl, getting married, and having his own kids...and never calling me! :(

I'm not normally sappy, but apparently having a kid has changed that about me.

This Week in the Life of Gabriel...The Exersaucer

It was a busy weekend here!  Brian's laptop speaker ran into some issues which resulted in us driving to Sugarland twice.  But that was okay because I needed to get us matching outfits for our family photos.  We also got to eat out a couple of times.  Woohoo!

We learned that our son does not like to eat in public.  He is too easily distracted, being the great observer that he is, and has decided that eating is less fun than watching.

Also this weekend, because Gabriel isn't supposed to spend much time on his back we are trying to find activities for him to do with his head up.  Not easy for a little one to do all day long.  Then it dawned on me...the exersaucer!!!  So, I hauled it out of the closet and he had a grand ol' time.  It would appear from these pictures that he's obsessed with the ring fish, but really there is a spinning ball with beads in it that he prefers much more.  He is enjoying analyzing all of the parts...trying to figure out how they work I suppose.  (Just like his daddy!)

The second day I wised up and put a pillow behind him to help him lean forward a bit more and a bib on to catch all of that lovely drool.


I saw the author of this book, Claire Shipman, on The View while I was feeding Gabriel this morning and it sounded like something that may go along the lines of the SAHM discussion we were having.  

Here's the blurb:  This collaboration between broadcasting powerhouses Shipman and Kay gives career women explicit permission to demand the balance that's been missing in their lives. The authors assert that after decades of trying to outdo men or fighting the Mommy Wars in the office trenches of the 1980s and 1990s, women have gained enough corporate clout to start changing the workplace to suit their needs. Shipman and Kay review the depth of women's influence as consumers and earners, maintaining that their power gives them the right and the ability to ask for flexibility in their work lives, to negotiate assertively and effectively, to say no and to give up the guilt associated with getting their needs met. Through Shipman and Kay's own stories of struggling with demanding work and home lives and anecdotes from other working mothers, the authors make a convincing argument that with some mental and emotional effort, women can create their ideal work and home lives. Filled with pragmatic and optimistic steps, this book will inspire readers to set in motion a flexibility-driven business revolution that can benefit all women and men, families and workforces.

And I posted the Kindle cover because I got a Kindle!!!  Woohoo!!!  I love it.  Great little invention.  It's just like reading on paper only I'm not killing a tree.  The buttons are so quiet that they don't disrupt Brian while he's trying to sleep and I'm reading, and I can buy a book anywhere/anytime.  (Good for a place that doesn't have a bookstore!!!  Ugh!)  I bought a book on the way to Sonic the other day...I wasn't driving.  And the books are often cheaper for the Kindle than the actual physical book would be.  I highly recommend it.

SAHMs - Part 3

So, I got a response from more people than I thought I would.  And who knows...maybe a few more will join the discussion.  I hope they will.  I find it fascinating.  Marissa...maybe you would like to jump in from the position of a new mom who just returned to work?

Sonja responded and brought up some good points.  She especially focused on divorce in a SAHM situation.  And as you mentioned, Sonja, I brought up religion so it was definitely fair game.

I will respond to the religious part first.  I said as a Catholic I do not believe in divorce.  First off...that's a broad statement that I should probably clarify.  I do recognize that it happens, I'm not in denial.  lol  (Just in case anyone was wondering.)  And I do agree that if one person decides that they want a divorce there may not be a lot that can be done about it.  My husband's parents found themselves in a situation such as that.  I agree also that one's opinions are based largely on experience.  I think you will find that many people who end up in divorce do not always believe that marriage is or will be forever.  They say the vows, but rarely think much on what that really means.  Forever...that's a LONG time.  And your aunt's situation is a rarity amongst the divorced grouping.  A divorce rate of 30% is a lot lower than it has been in recent years so that's a great thing!  And I believe I read somewhere that divorce rates are higher in the Bible Belt due to a higher rate of poverty in the South.  There are many many many things the Catholic Church does wrong.  That is one of the reasons I choose to remain Catholic...the Church will never grow and change if everyone who thinks differently leaves.  With that said...plenty of Catholic people choose to not follow certain "rules."  I for one am a rule breaker.  Yes, it's true.  I're all incredibly disappointed.  I use birth control!  GASP!!!!!  I know...your jaw just hit the floor.  Granted it is for personal medical reasons and not exactly for the prevention of pregnancy, but I take it nonetheless, and the Catholic Church does not condone it.  Honestly...I agree that we don't need 5 bamillion children per married couple.  (And frankly after having been pregnant...who would want to have more than a couple?!  lol)  And just because people have premarital sex, get divorces, and have abortions doesn't make it okay...that just means people do those things.  I know I wouldn't be promoting any of the above to my kids (not that I won't teach them about how to be safe in case they decide that abstinence isn't for them).  I'd rather them be safe than end up a grandparent in my 40's.  But, anyway, the Catholic Church is also a large group...and we all know that change doesn't happen quickly.  Especially in institutions with such history  behind them as most religions.  

However, I do believe that the Catholic Church does try harder than most churches by providing engaged couples with several required avenues for marrying in the Catholic Church.  Things like Engaged Encounter Weekend, PreCana, and pre-marriage counseling allow couples to investigate topics they may not have discussed before.  Thus, if all goes right, leading to a better foundation for marriage.  Hopefully this results in a lower divorce rate amongst Catholics.  I also want to say that there are reasons for divorce (and sometimes the Church won't grant you an annulment).  Abuse should never be tolerated, physical or emotional.  I do believe strongly that by having a positive outlook on your marriage, realizing that people do change as they get older, understanding that marriages go through phases and take A LOT of work sets you further ahead in the game than those that enter blindly thinking things will always be like they were when you were dating.  If you prepare yourselves for what is to come (as best as one can)  and communicate about everything the likely-hood of divorce is much lower.  Too many people enter marriage on a "love high."  And anyone who seems to have the "perfect" marriage...well, in my opinion they are the ones doomed to fail, because nothing is perfect.  Something isn't being talked about that needs to be.

Now...on the income side.  In some states women actually make out really well in divorce, especially if children are involved.  You eluded to this, but I just wanted reiterate as it was slightly hidden behind your main point.  And yes, I agree...all matter what their employment status should have some sort of plan for life without a spouse.  (You never know what the future holds as you pointed out.)

On the Stay at Home Housewife front...this is kind of where not having kids is, as you put it, your "caveat."  As a teacher I spent summers at home and for the last 3 months of my pregnancy as well.  It is a very different situation.  It is definitely nice to have a relaxing stretch of time, but it can become tiresome and I also began to feel as though I wasn't pulling my weight.  However, being a SAHM is NOTHING like that at all.  I am in constant need.  Feeding, changing, comforting, playing, cleaning, running errands, cooking, walking the dog...the list goes on and on.  I could go every day without sleep and still never get everything done.  I wouldn't even get close.  And I never feel like I'm not contributing...I'm taking care of our child.  That's definitely a major contribution to the family.

My mom and I were discussing this further on the phone.  And, I wanted to mention.  My mom did work as my school librarian for several years until we moved to Texas.  Since it was at my school, it was the next best thing to coming home to my mom since, I just had to go downstairs to the library.  (She was one kick butt librarian too!)  We also discussed that often times women who want to "have it all" often times end up falling behind in some area whether it be their relationships with their children, husband, family in general, or their job.  (Watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 lately?)  Something is going to suffer.  It may not always be the same thing...but it will be something.  I can't tell you how many times I heard teachers complain that they were always spending time with other people's children (after school programs, after school tutoring, grading and lesson planning).  Now, we love our students, and we chose that profession, but it can be difficult to know that your own family suffers for the benefit of other families.  So, I guess one has to ask themselves, "Am I okay with my children playing second fiddle to my job?"  We also mentioned that most children get into "trouble" between the hours of 3-5.  (I did read that somewhere or saw it on some news program...but the exact one escapes me.)  Why?  They're home unsupervised.  I mean...the majority of teens having physical relationships do it in their own house while their parents are at work!!!  This means you could end up a working grandparent.  And you might ask yourself, "Why is my kid having this type of relationship as a teen?  Maybe I'm not there for them enough?"  I know I would be asking myself that.  Not saying being home will prevent all things from happening...just something to think about.


Gabriel began rolling over today!!!  (Front to back.)  We are so excited!!!!  He doesn't get it every time.  Sometimes he has a hard time getting his little leg to swing over and he ends up in a twisted position with his upper body turned and the bottom half lagging behind.  But, he's done it more than once today so...WOOHOO!  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, Gabriel!  (I'll try to get video of it soon.)

This weekend in the life of Gabriel (and the Lipscomb Family in general)...

On Saturday, Brian went to the Houston Garden Center to buy some more Bouganvillea for the back fence, and returned with not only that but 2 more Mini Pomegranates and a Red Maple!!!  :)  We have been wanting one for a while now, but were having a hard time coming across one.  We can't wait for the fall to see the leaves turn red.  It will remind me of the North East.  :)
I took this while we were trying to decide on tree placement.  Yes, we did end up putting it here, but I have yet to take a picture of it in the ground.
Our birdies returned this year and had a new batch of babies.  Here are the babies all lined up on the porch railing waiting for mommy to bring them some food.

It's a stormy Sunday so the babies are camped out in Mommy and Daddy's room taking naps.
Well, some of them are.  Grace would like to, but the thunder keeps disturbing her slumber.

SAHMs Revisited

So, awhile back I posted about being a SAHM and what that means to me.  I also had a video from the Colbert Report with Linda Hirshman who I thought was a real moron.  (Just my opinion though.)  

I figured, now that I have been a SAHM for the last 2 months I would update you on my feelings.  

Okay...first off...hardest job ever!  I adore every moment I spend with little Gabriel, but keeping an infant entertained all day and getting the house taken care of, and running the errands with a baby...exhausting!!!  And yes, I do feel a sense of responsibility to get all of this done.  I have accepted the fact that it won't always happen though.  Sometimes things don't go according to plan and I'm learning that that is okay.  As a teacher I got so used to having a rigid schedule I forget that Gabriel has yet to learn what that word means.  :)
I also wanted to speak to some of the points Sonja made in the comments section on the previous post, as being 9 months pregnant and about to deliver (2 days later), I didn't really get a chance.  :)  So, I will address them one at a time.  (I'm looking forward to a good discussion here, Sonja.)  ;)

  1. You mentioned that both mom and dad should be involved in child-rearing.  Just because one parent is home and the other is working doesn't mean that they aren't both involved.  The ways they are involved are different, but I do feel that Brian and I are both involved in Gabriel's life.  (Although I am learning at a faster pace since I'm home all day.)
  2. Yes, SAHMs are compensated for the work they do...but not monetarily, no.  I am rewarded every day with smiles and "n-gahs."  Every time Gabriel wants his mommy I am "compensated."  And most people who choose to be SAHMs aren't worried about the money...otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
  3. Yes, it is a loss for women financially...although I consider (and always have...even when I was earning money) the income we generate to be ours.  Not his and hers.  What either one of us brings in belongs to the family...not to the individual.  And I support the family by raising responsible and contributing individuals.  You also said a loss in the family decision making...yeah, maybe if it was the 50's.  But, my opinion is of even greater value to Brian now because I know what's going on at home and with our child at all times.  And being a naturally strong woman means I will be matter what!  :)  And who made me a strong working father and stay at home mother.  :)  For other women this may be an issue, but I can only speak to what I know.  I also know that my dad respected my mom's opinions as well.  So, maybe my mom set a good example on how to pick a good husband.  :)  
  4. As far as rejoining the workforce.  Any responsible person should keep up with what is going on in their field and maintain connections.  That is just good business sense.  (Although, admittedly, many people lack this common sense.)
  5. I have no intention of getting divorced.  Maybe this is naive of me, but I believe that when I said my vows I meant them.  That doesn't mean that we don't have difficult times, but who said marriage was easy?  As a Catholic I don't believe in divorce.  I believe in getting help if your marriage needs it, but honestly...don't commit if you can't see spending the rest of your life together.  (A whole bigger issue, that I will have to leave for another time.)
  6. I believe I am setting an amazing example for my children.  You mentioned independence and the pressure of maintaining the rights of women in our society.  That is exactly what I am doing.  I chose to work for 6 years and then I chose to stay at home (for the foreseeable future).   I am setting an example for my children by making choices...choosing to do what I think is right.  (And as I mentioned, I don't think being a SAHM is right for everyone.)  I don't think my mom set me back, or women's rights back by staying home.  She worked hard...harder than I ever imagined.  I think she actually showed exactly what women's rights is truely about...choice!  Why does my child have to become an after thought so I can further women's rights in the work place?  Aren't I furthering the cause by making choices for myself?  And don't I have a responsibility, when choosing to have a child, to raise that child to the best of my ability?  In my opinion...setting an example for my children from an early age on how we learn, how we treat others, how to be responsible for ourselves (and those we choose to bring into this world)...that is an amazing contribution to society.  And maybe...maybe people would be a little less selfish if they gave of themselves some more.  Do I get something for myself out of being a SAHM?  Sure.  I mentioned a few of them in point #2.  But, I give a lot by being one and I hope that makes the world a better place for everyone...not just women.  And my children will always know that I value education and the professional world...even if I never rejoin it myself.  (I think my standing as an educator shows that.)
  7. Have you ever asked your mom how she would feel if you were a SAHM?  Not that you want to be...just curious.  I really hope she wouldn't be disappointed.  It truly is an amazing job.  Definitely undervalued by society.  (Oprah agrees it's the hardest job there is...and who doesn't listen to Oprah?!  lol away, Sonja!  :)
With all of that hasn't always been an easy adjustment.  Brian and I have had to iron out a lot of things...what my job is...why I need assistance sometimes (even with things that seem like they would fit under my "job description.")  Trust isn't always smooth sailing by any means.  But, I wouldn't trade being a SAHM for anything.  I am thrilled with my decision, and as tense as those moments get when we're trying to figure it all is always worth it in the end.  Gabriel is already 2 months old!  Time has flown by, and if I was working...think of all of those precious hours that would be slipping away from me.  I honestly don't think you can understand that feeling until you become a mom.  I look at his little face and did you get so big already?  Soon you'll be a teenager and the last thing you'll want to do is spend time with your "mommy."  

I am building a treasure trove of memories by staying at home with Gabriel.  He'll only want to play "Space Baby" for so long with me.  And if the vacuuming doesn't get done this week...that's okay.  I had 20 more minutes with my son, and that is worth more than a clean house.  ( will just get dirty again anyway.)  :)

Update and a Shout Out!

Well, amazingly we got into Dr. Savrick's office today!!!  :)  I called and they said how about 11:45?  It was fantastic.  Dr. Savrick confirmed that he does have a very mild case of Plagiocephaly but no Torticollis.  So, that's good news.  She gave us some tips on how to deal with it and how to help his head grow into a normal shape.  I will take another head shot at 3 months.  Although this will take several months to correct.  I'm just glad that she agreed and had some ideas.  

And a big shout out to my fourth graders at Jane Long Elementary!!!  Way to go on the TAKS test!  82% passing is amazing and I am so proud of all of you!

If it's not one thing it's another...

Well, I didn't mention this on Gabriel's 2 mo. post because I didn't want to be a downer on such a happy day.  You're probably wondering why I have a picture of the top of my child's head on our blog.  Bear with me as this is long.  (There are lots of great new pictures further down too of his beautiful little face so please continue beyond this post.)

A couple of weeks ago I began to notice that Gabriel was always sleeping on the right side of his head, was always playing on his gym on the right side of his head and that he just generally looked right.  This led me to begin examining his head shape.  I noticed a small flat spot beginning to form.  As any new mom would I began getting paranoid and obsessing.  All of a sudden it seemed glaringly obvious that his head was misshapen, and why couldn't anyone else tell but me?!

I have since found out this statistic:
In 1992 the American Academy of Pediatrics started a program called "Back to sleep" which encouraged parents to keep their infants on their backs while sleeping instead of their front as had been conventional wisdom.[2][3]This reduced the risk of SIDS by nearly 40% but increased the incidence of positional plagiocephaly by 600%.

Yes, we think Gabriel has Positional Plagiocephaly.  Basically because he lays on the right side of his head so much it is flattening...but that's not even the worst of it.  It is causing his forehead and ear on the right side to move forward.  Babies skulls are not fully developed and are still very soft so even the slightest pressure on the same spot repetitively can cause this.  You might say...well, just turn him so he faces out of his crib in the opposite direction, or put all of his toys on one side.  But, you would be wrong.  Why?  Because it doesn't work, and it's driving me MAD!!!!  He will stare at the wall rather than turn his head left.

Well, it must be Torticollis you are thinking to yourself.  (Oh, come know you were thinking Torticollis.)  ;)  Torticollis the shortening of or weakened neck muscle causing the head to tilt to one side.  The only thing is...he can and will look left for long periods of time when he darn well pleases!  See the photo session from Hondo.  I think he was in the position in the womb and it just feels comfortable, and frankly, wouldn't you rather lay on the comfy flat part of your head than try to keep it still on a rounded part?

So, logical next step...take him to the pediatrician.  Been there, done that.  I have since decided that our ped. here is not for me.  I have felt that way since Day 1, but honestly the appts. are so short it was hard to form an opinion.  But, this latest one sealed the deal for me.  He hardly listened to me, he prattled on about the fact that the plates of his skull aren't growing together too fast, but if they were he would need surgery.  WHAT?!  I reminded him that that was not what I was talking about, and I told him Plagiocephaly.  He proceeded to tell me that his head is perfect.  One of the best he's seen on a 2 mo. old since the start of the back to sleep campaign.  Well, he didn't even look at his forehead and ears.  Even though I did mention them.  I was so exasperated I stopped talking about it.  So, we are going to make an appt. with the ped. Gabriel had at the hospital he was born at.  I liked her more and she was a great listener.

So...there will be more to come from this story.  However, in the mean time.  Check out the picture.  As you can see the right side of his forehead sticks out further than the left.  His case is VERY mild.  But, I'd like to do what I can now.  You can't see it in this picture but his right ear is forward too and no longer aligned with his left ear.  

If you would like to read more about Plagiocephaly you can go here for a great summary on what it is and what can be done...

I will keep you posted on what Dr. Savrick tells us.

This weekend in the life of Gabriel...

The day started off gloomy (Sunday) but we had a great time at church this morning!  :)  Gabriel was admired by many.  We are still doing things to avoid spreading the Swine Flu which I find a little funny, but I appreciate that they are concerned.
Grace hasn't been a big Gabriel fan.  She keeps her distance and is often known to get up and leave the immediate vicinity if Gabriel gets too close.  Today she got a little brave.  She must really have wanted pets.
Alas, I can never please everyone!
Yep...he still has that Elvis smile in his repertoire.

Yesterday Grandma Cherlyn & Grandpa Greg came for a visit as they will be spending most of their time for the next month in Michigan at the cottage.  We got to enjoy some date time while they babysat.  Angels and Demons...great movie!  Better than The Da Vinci Code.  Now I need to read the book!
Still to come tonight...a triple date.  Gabriel's girlfriend and her parents (our good friends Tara and Jason) are coming over for fajitas!  Yum!  (I hope the rain stops.)